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  1. S

    Happy Update On Sushi

    First, I want to thank those who have been so kind to respond to my posts and offer advice about Sushi. Thanks to your wonderful tips he seems to be doing much better. I still have him in a hospital bowl and I'm doing 50% water changes and adding aquarium salt every other day. The spot on his...
  2. S

    Can I Cry Now?

    This is true. When I bought my betta at PetSmart there were no crowntails. But two days ago when I was there they had an entire shelf full of them. I hope you're successful in finding the fish you're seeking. Good luck!
  3. S

    Update On Sushi . . . Could Use More Advice

    Thanks again for responding. I will bring my camera tomorrow and get some pictures of him. This listless behavior, fins sort of hanging there and not eating is definitely out of character for him. He is usually a really happy little guy, swims right to me the minute I walk toward the bowl and...
  4. S

    Update On Sushi . . . Could Use More Advice

    Thank you so much for responding -- this is VERY reassuring. In answer to your question, there is no fuzziness to the spot on his head nor to the two small specks of white on his back. They spot on his head is simply a discoloration. He is a vivid royal blue and the spot is just a different...
  5. S

    Update On Sushi . . . Could Use More Advice

    I am continuing to treat Sushi for fungus and ich, although I'm not sure he has either. I have done a 1/2 water change every other day since Thursday, treating the bowl each time with more Stress Coat and Rid Ich. But now I'm afraid he may have fin rot. His dorsal fin seems to be splitting...
  6. S

    Help -- I Think My Betta Is Sick

    Ugh! Seems I'm getting wrong information from every pet store person I speak with! First the one who told me I didn't need to change the water in the tank, and now today the one who told me freeze dried blood worms were the best thing for him! Until today I have been feeding him the Hikari...
  7. S

    Help -- I Think My Betta Is Sick

    Sorry, but I don't have my camera here at the office so I can't take a photo of him. The discoloration -- which is VERY hard to see unless you're looking for it -- is primarily one spot above his eye, but really his entire face around his eyes and mouth seems to be a greenish color. It is not...
  8. S

    Help -- I Think My Betta Is Sick

    I have had Sushi for about two months and until this week he was doing well. He lives in a 2 gallon tank in my office -- no filter or heater but it does have a light and aerator. When I bought him I was told I didn't really need to change his water -- just suction out the yucky stuff from the...