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  1. Seg

    I.d Please, Really Baffled.

    Look on the last 2 pics, the thing that looks like a t-rex head with a bright red spot on it, or maybe it looks like a cashew nut, either way it is there.
  2. Seg

    I.d Please, Really Baffled.

    Thanx Ski :good:
  3. Seg

    I.d Please, Really Baffled.

    Thanx guys for your replies. I think you might be right Ski. :good: Just been on another forum I use and they seem to think it might be a clam or a musel. Besides just sitting there, do they do anything? You will have to forgive my stupidity, but I don't know anything about clams or mussels...
  4. Seg

    I.d Please, Really Baffled.

    Got this pic aswell, ca't get a good pic of it. [/img] [/img]
  5. Seg

    I.d Please, Really Baffled.

    Strangely enough, it does look like a T-Rex's head, its mad. But you think maybe a muscle or clam then? Well thats something to start with. My head hurts with all the scratching, :no: Thanx m8.
  6. Seg

    I.d Please, Really Baffled.

    It does move, but only when it is spooked, it is definately not a fish of any kind, or a crab. It has like a tenticle inside when it is open, and also what looks like a root/stork behind.]
  7. Seg

    I.d Please, Really Baffled.

    Hi there, I have had a rearrange in my tank, and on the back side of my LR in a crevice I notice something strange. When I got closer for a better look, what seemed like its mouth closed and it turned away. Anyone have any idea what this might be? It is the thing under the flash light with the...
  8. Seg

    Has Anyone Used Grotto Rock?

    Hi, has anyone used Grotto rock in their aquarium? They are selling it at my local LFS at £5.99 per kilo. I have read mixed results online. Some saying it is just a nitrate factory, others saying it caused cyano(which I am struggling to remove at the mo(not from using Grotto though.) to others...
  9. Seg, Please.

    Cheers Ben. I will give that a go today then. Hopefully see some results in a day or 2. :good:
  10. Seg, Please.

    I have only started feeding frozen 1 week ago, but it was defrosted first. I usually defrost my food with some water out of my tank, then when defrosted, I pour the whole thing back in. I currently have a Fluval 4 filter in my tank, would I be able to put that in there if i remove the media? I...
  11. Seg, Please.

    I have been told it is most likely phosphates, but I don't know what I need to control and get rid of them. I am using saltwater from my LFS.
  12. Seg, Please.

    Hi, I am having a cyano outbreak at the moment and have been for nearly 2 weeks now. Can anyone suggest a remidy for this? I have lowered the length of time my lights are on, feeding less and checking for deadspots the moving powerheads. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanx Seg
  13. Seg

    Help With Skimmer Needed

    Thanks Ben. I was told that I probably won't see anything happen for about 2 days, does that sound about right to you?
  14. Seg

    Help With Skimmer Needed

    Hi there. I have just purchased a weirpro SA2011 skimmer for my 124L tank. I had to get this skimmer as money is really tight at the moment, but really needed a skimmer. It didn't come with setup instructions, only a diagram on the box. Pump with it is capable of 900 LP/Hr. I have got it...
  15. Seg

    Possible Diatom Bloom?

    Thanx guys, I am using pre-prepared water from my usuall shop. I am still learning about this hobby, and please forgive my lack of knowledge, but could you tell me a bit more about cyano bacteria, what causes it, and how to remove it. Is it danderous to my fish? I have 2 percula clowns, and 2...
  16. Seg

    Possible Diatom Bloom?

    Hi there. I have had some brown stuff laying on my substrate now for about 1 week now. I am led to believe that this is a diatom bloom, can anyone confirm this from the pictures below. Also if it is, and a result of my tank cycling, then how long before it should start to clear up. Tank has been...
  17. Seg

    Can Anyone Id These For Me Please?

    What are your personal favourites Mutant?
  18. Seg

    Can Anyone Id These For Me Please?

    Thanx Cage, I think these are the mini ones as they are not far off 10mm. I will look into those, they both look quite nice. Hmmmm food for thought. Thanx M8
  19. Seg

    Can Anyone Id These For Me Please?

    Thanx Mutant, how big do these grow and how quickly? Can you suggest a nice looking, easy coral to start with?
  20. Seg

    Can Anyone Id These For Me Please?

    Cheers M8 nice 1.
  21. Seg

    Can Anyone Id These For Me Please?

    Thanx Cage, are they easy to look after? Any special requirements.
  22. Seg

    Can Anyone Id These For Me Please?

    Hi there, bought a nice large piece of LR the other day and upon inspection I noticed these on the rock:[/IMG][/URL][/img] Funny little things, seem to know when you are there and close up when you move. Any help would be appreciated...
  23. Seg

    Herman The Hermit Has Eaten Lenny The Clown

    Hi Ben. Lenny was only about 1 inch long, and the murderous crab is abit hard to size, but I would say that he is bigger than Lenny was without his shell. If only Lenny could have hung on a few hours longer. Just changed to 130L tank today. Hopefully get a pair of clowns in about 1 to 2 weeks...
  24. Seg

    Herman The Hermit Has Eaten Lenny The Clown

    Thanx PuppyJess. He will be missed.
  25. Seg

    Herman The Hermit Has Eaten Lenny The Clown

    Thanks Cage. No definately not pleasant to watch, but as you say natures way. I will do params check and see whats what. I'm not sure why he has died, he was lookin ok yesterday, but there again, I have added more live rock yesterday and had a move around, so it may be possible that I have...
  26. Seg

    Herman The Hermit Has Eaten Lenny The Clown

    Hi there. Has anyone heard of hermit crabs eating Clown fish. I have woken this morning to find Mr Crab proper going for it with the clown fish. I have no idea how he managed to get his claws on Lenny, but at this moment in time he has nearly finished him off. I tried to take Lenny off him...
  27. Seg

    Cloudy Water On New Setup

    Thanx M8, will keep posting as I go on.
  28. Seg

    Cloudy Water On New Setup

    Thanx TY. I think I will go for 2 tomato clowns, they look really nice. Gonna wait till end of month to give tank a good chance to cycle and settle down. Looking good at the moment though, crystal clear water, making my tropical tank look bad even though the water quality in there is bang on...
  29. Seg

    Cloudy Water On New Setup

    Great stuff thanks. So you reckon to add a pair of clowns after a week then? I have seen some beautifull domino ones. Could I mix the two or would you suggest 2 of the same? Si
  30. Seg

    Cloudy Water On New Setup

    Thanks for the good advice. As you said yesterday about the tank, clearing, it has started to and looks alot better today. Do you think I should add a small amount of food to the tank to aid the cycling process as you do with Tropical? I won't be adding any livestock to the tank just yet. Are...
  31. Seg

    Cloudy Water On New Setup

    Ok will do. How often do you recommend checking the water parameters? Also, when do you think I should make the first water change and how much? Thanx Si
  32. Seg

    Cloudy Water On New Setup

    Thanks, I will do that. I think I just worry too much. When is a good time to send the CUC in?
  33. Seg

    Cloudy Water On New Setup

    Hi there again. Just set up a small tank today, put marine sand in, added water (from my lfs), put in some LR in, pumps on, heater on. About an hour after setup I noticed the water was cloudy. Could this be bacteria bloom or something else. Thanks Simon
  34. Seg

    Starting Out On Marine

    Thanks guys for you replies. I think I will hold off untill the end of the month and go for a bigger tank. I will be taking each step very slowly. Simon.
  35. Seg

    Starting Out On Marine

    Hi there, I am new to this site, but think the info and advice on here is second to none. I have a 106L Tropical setup at the moment, but I am wanting to start a marine tank as well. Now I know there is a lot more involved with Marine set ups so I thought I would start slowly and work my way...