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  1. M

    algea prob

    i have that stuff and i hate it! I wish someone knew a way to kill it for good.
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    brush algea

    I have brush algea in my tank. How do i get rid of it? It's on my plants and it is ugly. i don't want to use chemicals as I have shrimp in my tank. :-(
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    Walmart Cichlids 2

    I like walmart, ours has a 90 day warrenty on all fish and keep the tanks very clean. As far as unethical treatment, they donate money to the local shelter and petsmart does this also.
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    Walmart Cichlids 2

    why does walmart sell them then? I mean do they no know people will buy them like I did?
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    Walmart Cichlids 2

    I looked up my cichlids. I have a Golden Auratus, 2 powder blue socolofi, and a red zebra. I have a 20 gallon tank. I want to stock to help reduce agression, but how many should I have? Also should I get more of the same or add other mbuna types?
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    Ghost Shrimp and Pictus Cat

    i have the small one. I have had him for about a year and he hides in a ship.
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    I have a 30 gallon planted community tank. Can i put crawfish from the local stream in it? I live in the mountains of North Carolina.
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    Walmart Cichlids

    I have a 20 gallon tank with 4 cichlids I got at Walmart. It says they are african, but I can't figure out what kind. One is a medium orange about the color of a light platy. One is a very light blue, one is a grey color with blue over tones. The last one is yellow with black strips. Can any one...
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    Ghost Shrimp and Pictus Cat

    Will my pictus cat eat my ghost shrimp? I just added 4 of these to my 30 gallon tank and want to add more. How many can I add if my pictus cat doesn't eat them?