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  1. J

    Keeping A Mudskipper With Mollies

    I've had my muskipper tank going about 2 months and everything seems fine. I currently have 2 P. Barbarus in a 75 gallon tank, and will probably add a 3rd. They mostly 'play' around rather than fight....some fin flaring and chasing, but that's about it. My tank is has a built up sandy beach...
  2. J

    Lazy Mudskipper ?

    Maybe I'll see if he takes freeze-dried bloodworms from my hand tonight. Good idea on the mirror. I'm amazed at how well he blends into the environment. I'll walk by the tank and not see him right away, then notice his little eyes above the water line.
  3. J

    Lazy Mudskipper ?

    Thanks for the reply Neale. I've read in a couple places about them eating crickets, but wasn't sure. I have a myriad of freeze-dried/dry/frozen food I can use to ensure a varied diet. I wasn't sure how active these guys were, so I thought I would ask. He isn't much for excercise, but he...
  4. J

    Lazy Mudskipper ?

    I got a mudskipper last weekend and since he’s been in the tank, he hasn’t done much. He pretty much just perches himself on driftwood and sits there. He looks healthy and he’s eating well (he LOVES crickets). The only tankmates are a couple fiddler crabs and 4 swordtails in the water. I...
  5. J

    Hello Everyone !

    New member here. My name is Josh and I currently have a 29 gallon tank in which I keep guppies, red cherry shrimp, dwarf crayfish, & amano shrimp. I also just set up a 75 gallon brackish tank for mudskippers and fiddler crabs. I just wanted to say hello, and this a fantastic site. The...