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  1. COD

    Pets At Home!

    that's why criticising about ace of spades post! act106 with all due respect: are you aware of what i'm pertaining to, before quoting my post? maybe you should read the flow of the conversation that way you'll see which post i'm not that happy about. i'm new here so i'm not aware of ace of...
  2. COD

    Discus And Angels

    in my experience it's fine. i'm runnin' a 65gal aquarium with angelfish, discus, emperor tetras, and rainbow fish (boesemani and red irian) this is one of my Freshwater Amazon tank Set Up and it never gives me headaches since.
  3. COD

    Huge 900g Tank Project

    very nice! i want one... :D i wish i live near you. :clap:
  4. COD

    My Planted Aq3 - Updated New Pics 10/08/08!

    that's very nice how do you put photos here? *dumb question* i'm new... pardon me! i want to show off a bit :blush: well you can check it on my site.
  5. COD

    I Dont Look Like Sid Owen

    how does it feels to live in Albert Sq. see you in the Vics. :lol:
  6. COD

    Henry Doorly Zoo, Omaha Nebraska

    well it looks like a giant grouper to me as well. and again dthoffsett, i'm admiring your photos a lot. i'm on my way to the rest of the pictures :D
  7. COD

    Henry Doorly Zoo, Omaha Nebraska

    amazing photos
  8. COD

    My 125g Tank Work In Progress

    :good: very cool tank set up
  9. COD

    July Pet Of The Month

    because u said so +1 vote from me to milo and harvey ;)
  10. COD

    Pets At Home!

    thanks for pointing that out to me corleone. the "down to the level" that he used gives me a bad impression of the poster. he should have use Category instead of LEVEL- cause LEVEL sounds discrimination to me. anyway i'm still new to the Forum and very impressive forum so far. members really...
  11. COD

    I'm New!

    this forum is one of the active forum i have seen so far... thanks for the welcome guys....
  12. COD

    Pets At Home!

    can you please elaborate on these: do you mean discussions here have "levels"?
  13. COD

    Male And Female Together?

    well you should try it! so you'll see for yourself.
  14. COD

    Death In The Tank

    bettas (male) are some kind of a c*ck they don't want fishes that are more flashy than them. so it's always best to get them a tank of their own.
  15. COD

    !tropical Fish Whole New Start!

    wow! u must be one heck of an aquarist! don't take offense to that too. peace
  16. COD

    I'm New!

    :D hope i'm welcome Cod in the house!!!!