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    Hybrid Gambusia

    Hi Trimotoman, I have crossed Several times = Affinis / Holbrooki With Rhyzophorae.. Was hopeing to add color to affinis / holbrooki... Results were Affinis / Holbrooki looking fish on all the crosses.. I backed cross and side cross and every cross but The only thing that happened was...
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    Limia Hybrid?

    Gambusia Vittata has short similar gonopodium to guppies and mollies.. And do hybridize with guppies..
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    Hybrids Of Mine Gambusia Affinis X Poecilia Recticulata

    For those that want to try Hybrids that Are possible.. Molly X Guppy / Endler Molly X Limia Limia X Guppy / Endler Guppy / Endler X Gambusia Vitatta Girardinus Metallicus X Formosa Poecilia Picta X Guppy/Endler I have produce one or two young from ((Gold...
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    Hybrid Gambusia

    Hi guys, I know i'm late to this topic.. I live in South FL . There are few variations of gambusia / different populations .. Fresh water ,brackish water and salt water.. Depending on location , you can find very slight difference in appearance.. I wanted to know if there is any one...
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    Hybrids Of Mine Gambusia Affinis X Poecilia Recticulata

    Toni Marie, Some pics of your gambusia / guppy hybrids would be good.. ?? I have been thinking of try similar cross..
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    Limia Hybrid?

    That will be a future project.. For now just passing thrue and reading to see if others are working on any projects. AdrianHD
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    Limia Hybrid?

    The biggest male is called a mule..It is not fully developed functional male.. He is F3 .. I get few of these in many of the hybrid crosses.. They are just something to look at.. If a cross is able to produce F1 , They may or may not be fertile.. Best deal is to set up many breeders.. Many...
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    Limia Hybrid?

    Butch, You need to read more carefully my posts..
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    Limia Hybrid?

    I have done several Limia To hybrid guppy/endler crosses..Not all crosses produce same results.. These are few pics of Cross that produced good results.. I am posting different pics to show size differnces.. The final results are large beautiful Tiger looking hybrids.. First pic shows reg...
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    Hybrids Of Mine Gambusia Affinis X Poecilia Recticulata

    Great Forum you folks have here..Lots of different intressting topics... I will try post pics of Hybrids that I have done.. I think it's a facination field and fun to see results.. Also One hobbiest can have different results from same cross a nother hobbiest has done.. I'm not an...
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    Hybrids Of Mine Gambusia Affinis X Poecilia Recticulata

    I have crosses Gambusia Vitatta and wild guppies .. I think cross was a successful do to vitatta male gonopodium being similar to guppy gonopodium.. I used a female guppy to a few male vitatta.. The offspring males looked like regular wild guppies and the females looked like regular wild...
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    Limia Hybrid?

    The black strain is well set.. The yellow still need some work...
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    Limia Hybrid?

    They are very possible.. And offspring are fertile.. I do a lot of hybridizeing of livebearers.. Enjoy developing new color varieties of livebearers. So far in reguards to limia I have developed a black limia Perugiae and an orange limia Perugiae.. I would love to post pics on this...