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  1. Racerchic478

    Big Fish!

    My clown knife looks mean from the side, but if you look at him head-on, he's kind of dopey looking, lol. Tanks, water changes, chemicals and especially food are more expensive than keeping smaller fish. I will say, however, that I've spent far less on my large predator tank than any of my...
  2. Racerchic478

    New Tig

    Oooh! Pretty! :hyper:
  3. Racerchic478

    Big Fish!

    I keep large preds. I have pictures here I should probably update some of those pics...because after taking that pic of the whole tank I realized the background was warped from all the water they splash out and I fixed it. Also - note that this is not the final tank for these dudes. I've been...
  4. Racerchic478

    We've Been Busy!

    Unfortunately, the Majestic Angel did not make it. He was the first of our fish to die, followed by our Threadfin Butterfly and then the Humu Trigger. They just couldn't handle the stress of the move and the small parameters of the holding tank. The tank dimensions are 48" X 24" X 30. On an...
  5. Racerchic478

    We've Been Busy!

    The funny thing about that is he is 6'5 and 300 lbs! The tank is rather tall!
  6. Racerchic478

    We've Been Busy!

    Thanks for the compliments everyone! Well, after continuous water testing and monitoring the tank, she's ready! We are moving our Naso, Scopas and Stars & Stripes puffer from the backup 55 gallon to their replacement home today! They are on a slow drip right now. Hopefully by tonight they'll...
  7. Racerchic478

    We've Been Busy!

    Setting up the rock structure here. This is a FOWLR system, and my husband and i designed the PVC pipe structure we used to build the rocks like this. We used about 160-180 lbs of live rock in the tank, with an additional 20-30 in the fuge. 'Scuse the mess! :) This is our front room...
  8. Racerchic478

    New Member, Big Freshwater Tank And "temporary" Saltwater

    Aww... that's sort of pathetic. No nearby aquariums? We are looking for about 10-15 acres right now. We are in the midst of a crazy natural gas boom (Barnett Shale) so land is going for a premium. We have 12 acres already but it's zoned industrial, and we built our business on it. :P We...
  9. Racerchic478

    Your House Pics

    That was taken in May, so about 2 months ago. We're in mid-summer now with watering restrictions so the lawn has lost some of its luster. Its 100F here with 60-80% humidity so things are starting to melt. :( front fence? You mean like an entry gate?
  10. Racerchic478

    New Member, Big Freshwater Tank And "temporary" Saltwater

    Ha! I just saw this. That's a deal. PS - your side is up for a water change next weekend. :sick: Thought I'd post this tid-bit of info here since we had the discussion about feeder fish and all: Spoke with the breeders at length and we did a few new things to my feeder stock tank to further...
  11. Racerchic478

    Buying Fish Online

    I've met my bank account's demise. The Diver's Den is now bookmarked! Thanks everyone!
  12. Racerchic478

    Your House Pics

    Our house. Well... the basketball goal is gone now. But yea.
  13. Racerchic478

    Testing Out The New Camera

    It's official. These pics make me want black rock. What kinda camera? Did you take those in the dark? Flash or no?
  14. Racerchic478

    Buying Fish Online

    Thanks for the tips! I think I might have to try it out sometime soon. As far as the Cichlid Association goes - we used to have an excellent connection to the Cichlid Association, but he got caught up in a bad circumstance and now it's like the Cichlid Association in Texas has disappeared. At...
  15. Racerchic478

    Buying Fish Online

    I did a lot of searching on the forums before I posted this question, but if I overlooked a thread discussing this already please excuse my redundancy and link me! Thanks! I have always bought my fish from trusted LFS. They will order fish for me, quarantine them for as long as I ask, etc. But...
  16. Racerchic478

    New Member, Big Freshwater Tank And "temporary" Saltwater

    Thanks for the tiger tips! I feel like we're discussing Ty Beanie Babies in the '90s. "No, yours has a black nose with pink whiskers. Mine has grey whiskers. WHERE DO I FIND THE PINK WHISKERS!!!" ^^^ (I think I heard that in a Hallmark once.)
  17. Racerchic478

    New Member, Big Freshwater Tank And "temporary" Saltwater

    Link me to pics of the three-bar Indo? I can't find it on google. Can you tell me how to tell the difference? I know you said you can tell just by looking - so what do you look for? I know this sounds dense but I can't tell the difference. Edit: Tiger ID talk I found this. Do you agree with...
  18. Racerchic478

    Majestic Angel Under Stress, Discoloration And Ich

    Thanks for the advice! Ok - I'm off to Fish Gallery to find some live food for him! I did notice the live rock in the QT was picked clean - it had some hair algae on it - so I put another piece in to find the eating culprit and A-HAA! He was eating the algae! So it was good to know he was at...
  19. Racerchic478

    New Member, Big Freshwater Tank And "temporary" Saltwater

    He was sold to our LFS by a man who was moving to Hawaii from Dallas. He was already nearly 9" when they got him in and he was bullying the other fish they had with him in the 100 gallon shop tank, so they called us. Locally, we are one of the only families who can take on big bully fish. LFS...
  20. Racerchic478

    Compatibility For 700 Gallon Tank

    You have excellent taste in fish! Is it finished yet? Can't wait to see it!
  21. Racerchic478

    Happy 4th Of July!

    Headed out to "the farm" to do some artillery shell damage! Sometimes you just gotta blow stuff up. :D Happy 4th!
  22. Racerchic478

    New Member, Big Freshwater Tank And "temporary" Saltwater

    Thank you mark7616! Can you link me to where you found that? I wanna know how to tell the difference between all the different types in the future. And LetsBeFriends, don't be jealous! I share! You can start with half the electricity bill if you'd like. :crazy: Haha, j/k. Happy 4th of July...
  23. Racerchic478

    New Member, Big Freshwater Tank And "temporary" Saltwater

    A friend of ours with a similar tank setup (only cats though) said he fed his perch one time and the top fin got lodged between the shovel nose's mouth and stomach somewhere, and he died. He said it was a little fatter than a 4" goldfish, but the same length as goldfish he had been feeding...
  24. Racerchic478

    New Member, Big Freshwater Tank And "temporary" Saltwater

    I did read the post given earlier, and this is what I gleaned from it: "Weaning an obligate piscivore onto dead foods is time consuming and to some extent depends on starving the fish in question. If that fish is newly imported, it might not have eaten a proper meal in weeks, in which case...
  25. Racerchic478

    New Member, Big Freshwater Tank And "temporary" Saltwater

    Perhaps I should make and post a Youtube video of my tank to calm your worries? lol. Although I appreciate anyone's input, I'm not here to ask questions or get suggestions about freshwater... what I really want to discuss is saltwater. I have a harder time with them, and they sure don't eat...
  26. Racerchic478

    New Member, Big Freshwater Tank And "temporary" Saltwater

    In the amount of time it takes for him to get to be that big, it'll be my (future) kid's issue to deal with. :shifty: In all reality, we know what it takes to house our big fish, and we'll always be willing to grow with them. I don't live in an apartment or loft or anything - it's Texas, we...
  27. Racerchic478

    Majestic Angel Under Stress, Discoloration And Ich

    Long story short, my 150 gallon SW tank busted a silicon seal and created a waterfall in my front living room. Luckily, I was home and heard the drips in time to save all my fish, my rock setup and about 140 gallons plus all in the refugium. They are now staying temporarily in a 55 gallon until...
  28. Racerchic478

    Howdy, From Texas!

    What kind? I'm close to Grapevine. Ever had any from there?
  29. Racerchic478

    Howdy, From Texas!

    Hey, I drive by the grassy knoll several times a month!
  30. Racerchic478

    Howdy, From Texas!

    Awesome! Hey everyone! And relatives totally count. If you didn't notice in my avatar section, I'm from Fort Worth as well. :D
  31. Racerchic478

    New Member, Big Freshwater Tank And "temporary" Saltwater

    We've actually had most of the Souths since they were tiny. They have grown, and we've upgraded tanks each time. The last time was actually a downgrade, as we used to have a 450 DAS tank with a cool canopy (logs and vines and jungly looking stuff) ... but she sprung a nasty leak we could never...
  32. Racerchic478

    New Member, Big Freshwater Tank And "temporary" Saltwater

    Pictures don't really do the RTC justice. He does have tiny-ish eyes, though. But he sure recognizes me when I come up to the glass! Our arowana and TSN came to us almost that big, and eating only feeders. We used to do a mixed diet, but those two refused anything but goldfish. So when we fed...
  33. Racerchic478

    Howdy, From Texas!

    Nice! I love 6th Street!
  34. Racerchic478

    Howdy, From Texas!

    Hey all! Just wanted to pop in and say a formal hello. I already posted a few pictures of my tanks here: My husband and I are obsessed with fish. Any fish that comes to our home, I dare say, is a lucky one. We keep 5 tanks running...
  35. Racerchic478

    My New Cichlid Setup!

    I LOVE the rocks! Freaking awesome. I would pay big money to be able to arrange like this. Good luck!
  36. Racerchic478

    New Member, Big Freshwater Tank And "temporary" Saltwater

    Hi all! I'm new to the forum, seeing as though it's summer and I'm a college kid, so I have a lot more time to kill. My husband and I have 5 tanks at home, one at work, and one sitting in the garage in case we decide we need yet another tank in the house. The following are some pics of our...