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    Bronz Catfish

    I recently bourght some bronz catfish and was wondering what size they will grow to
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    Tiger barbs

    i have now moved my gold fish to a 80L tank
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    Tiger barbs

    the gold fish are very small :D and they seam hapey
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    will Sterba's Cory go well with tiger barbs

    i have 6 small tiger barbs and am thinking of adding some Sterba's Cory will they go well together
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    Tiger barbs

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    Tiger barbs

    What Fish would go well in a 80 L tank with 6 small tiger barbs
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    Shy Tiger barbs

    when i firs put my tiger barbs into my tank they where shy after a few days they stoped being shy and now they are very active
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    Tiger barbs

    i have 6 tiger barbs i recently added 2 guppies only to have them disipear ( i think they where eaten) what fish goo well with tiger barbs
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    ;) I find that snails are helpful in keeping down algi on the side of the tank but they can quikely breed turning one snail into one hundred and sixty snails withch is a problem (the plants get eaten) So I sugest keep the snail but watch that you dont get more than two og three ps the snail...