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    It sounds like your tank is still cycling. When you cycle with fish it takes longer for it to get fully cycled and you need to be doing water changes everytime the ammonia or nitrites get to .25. When you do a water change you aren't loosing any bacteria as there is very little in the water...
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    Sturisoma Eggs Then Babies

    Mine aren't staying on the bottom, they are going to the glass. I have some spirulina tabs in there, also some grindle worms will have to get some lettuce. I do have zuchinni.
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    Sturisoma Eggs Then Babies

    The hard part is yet to come, This is a hard cat to breed, then the babies are even harder to raise as they are lazy feeders and most will starve in the first month.
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    Sturisoma Eggs Then Babies

    I have been trying to breed these for months and it finally happened. The parents Eggs with eyes First fry
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    Rams Rams Rams

    Here is a pic of 3 of my bolivian ram herd. I have 11 of them.
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    My New Endlers!

    Sounds like dropsy to me. You can start giving it some blanched peas, that might help.
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    How Come My Livebearers Won't Have Any Babies!?

    Looking at the gravid spot, they don't look pregnant to me either. Just look like over weight fish.
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    My New Endlers!

    I keep mine at 77 - 78 and have plenty of fry every month. Seems like there is always females pregnant and sometimes wonder if they aren't born that way. Here is a video of my 75 gal endler tank.
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    My New Endlers!

    At those temps your not only speeding up the breeding process, it also speeds up their metabolism which in turns shorten their lifespan.
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    My New Endlers!

    They will usually drop every 28 days. And it don't take long to fill up a tank. I had over 500 endlers in less than a 8 months.
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    My New Endlers!

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    My New Endlers!

    I have several pure endlers and yes they can have longer swords than that. I had bred some. My original stock came from the last collection of Adrian and Armondo Po. The female may just look so big due to angle of the camera.
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    Help Tank Death!

    How long has the tank been set up? Did you cycle the tank? What size of tank is it? If you can answer these for us it will make it easier to help you.
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    Bristlenoses Breed!

    I've never had a female try to eat the fry either, and since there is no fish in there that does, the babies started coming out a lot earlier than usual and the male is already sitting on a new batch.
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    Clicking Noise?

    Thats normal, lots of people say they do that when they are happy.
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    Friends Got A Couple Of Fish I Don Have Room For...

    I would go get a plastic tub about 20 gal size, a filter and heater put them in that do several water changes and get the 55 set up real fast. Might not look all that great, but it will give you a place to put them temp. till the tank is ready.
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    Sand Substrate

    One thing to remember you cant vac it like you do gravel. You must keep the vac 1/2 to 1 inch above the sand, you can also use a fork and poke it into the sand where ever there isn't any plants each week and it will help keep the gases from forming. Also MTS will help keep the sand stirred. The...
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    New Additions To My Tanks

    Thank you for the compliments. Each of these are in there own tanks. That way no problems with other fish going after eggs or fry. I have 19 tanks and setting up a 75 gal for my angels and 11 bolivian rams.
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    New Additions To My Tanks

    I haven't gotten any broods from them yet, I just received them last weekend. They have given the previous owner 2 spawns before she gave them to me.
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    New Additions To My Tanks

    Got new additions and its a good thing I have so many tanks! female betta picta, male hiding and holding eggs Yellow shrimp Breeding pair of Royal sturisoma's One of 7 dario dario Scarlet badis juvies and fry C. rabuti breeding group
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    Home Made Food.

    I make my own gel food and all of my fish like it. 1- 3 oz package of salmon 1 small package of broccoli cooked 1 jar of sweet potatoe baby food 1 jar of peas baby food 1 cooked zuccini cooked mix together in a blender Mix 1 cup boiling water (I use the water from cooking the veggies) 2 packs...
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    New Camera, Been Playing

    Tank looks great. Bet Boris is really happy in there. I just started getting into bettas myself. Just got a pair of pictas.
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    Cabomba Dying

    limnophillia sessiliflora (ambulia) Needs more light and nutrients to look its best.
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    Pseudocrenilabrus Nicholsi

    Thats good because he will until she gets bigger. Actually I got mine free from a breeder in our club.
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    Pseudocrenilabrus Nicholsi

    I have never had any luck with multiple males together, The alpha male will end up killing any other males. A pair will work together, but its best to at least have a trio so the the males won't harass just one female. Have plenty of hiding spaces for them, They are very shy except at feeding times.
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    Presudocrenilabrus Multicolor - Egyption Mouth Brooders

    I have the P. nicholsi, which is of the same family if not the same fish. But they are pretty easy to take care of. Best to keep a pair in a 20 gal long as they do like space to swim. Likes caves and also planted tanks. I feed mine bloodworms, brine shrimp, flakes, and live food. Female will...
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    Attempt At Breeding

    I have had good luck raising cory fry by starting to feed after about 3 to 4 days and the yolk sac is gone. I fed mine whiteworms and frozen baby brine shrimp, Fed them 4 times a day and cleaned the bottom of the tank at least twice a day using an airline so as not to catch any of the fry. I...
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    Can I Put Guppy Fry With Other?

    They should be fine with the older fry, they won't be that much bigger than the new ones.
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    New Rack And Tanks

    Just use some gang valves, that you hook up to one line and then the valves will split it to however many tanks you need it on. They are also adjustable so you can adjust the flow accordingly.
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    New Rack And Tanks

    With the different temps that all the fish you have chosen, a sump that will house the heaters wouldn't be advisable, or you can just use individual heaters for each tank. I would go with a linear pump and sponge filters, which the filters you can make your own. Congrats on the stand. I just...
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    Christmas Tree Pics!

    Here is some bad pics of mine I also collect Christmas teddy bears from Walmart
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    Alternatives To Florite

    Nutrient rich substrate is great for ground cover plants like HC, glosso, and such but they also require high light and co2. Kitty litter from walmart contains iron and will also absorb nutrients from the water column for plants to utilize through the root system. Most plants are water column...
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    What Are You Getting Your Fishies This Christmas?

    My bristlenoses are getting 6 new tanks.
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    Plant Id And Questions

    The second plant looks like a small specimen of a Red Rubin Sword. Take it out of the pot and gently remove the rockwool from the roots. A heavy root feeder that would benefit from root tabs. The first pic isn't very good to try and identify. Try to get a better one. If possible take it out of...
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    Lfs: Cycle Fish - Insane?

    It really doesn't matter if you tell them its wrong, There in it to make money. They sell you fish to cycle with and they die, you go back to buy more fish. That is all that matters to most lfs.
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    Pseudocrenilabrus Nicholsi

    I've got 5 of these right now. They are africans, Males will fight best to keep only one male and give him at least 2 females. They are mouth brooders. The female will hold the egss/fry for 10 to 14 days before releasing them. Feed the fry a variety of live foods and crushed flake and slowly...
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    Mass "almost" Death Of Snails

    If they are in fact dead, you need to remove them or your tank will get to smelling real bad.
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    Stocking ?'s

    Actually when they got full grown you would need a tank in at least a 300 gal range.
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    Question About Sand As A Substrate...

    Yes it is a good idea to keep the sand stirred somewhat. What I do is just take a fork or a chopstick once a week and poke into the sand in all places where there is no plants. Doing this will bring up most of the decomposing waste so that it could be siphoned up. Also as you are vac. kind of...
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    Second Admin

    I'm voting no on this because its not a need for a second administrator but what is needed is a site tech. That can help work out all the problems. I've seen boards bigger than this one with only one admin. but they do have a couple of site techs to help keep things running.