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  1. J

    Would This Be Ok In A 90 Litre Tank?

    Your stocking is fine, you could up the number of rasboras for a bigger and flashier shoal of fish or add another shoal of a different small tetra species or peaceful barbs. How much filtration do you have? You need at least 100 gph, 150 or more would be better(something like an Aquaclear 30).
  2. J

    Advice On How Im Doing With Tropical Freshwater Aqua Culture.

      You say 0 ppm.......ppm of what? Parts per million is just a unit, it needs to be so many ppm of something. TDS?   Chlorine in your tap water is no problem, just use a water conditioner and you can treat that easily and instantly. I've no clue about fluoride being an issue but it has never...
  3. J

    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    Odd number for nitrate, are you sure this is not nitrite?  My nitrate test kit does not report below 5ppm, let alone fractions of a ppm.
  4. J

    How To Take Good Pictures Of A Fish Tank?

    You'll likely need to use manual focus, as the contrast and phase detect autofocus system will likely be fooled by the glass and focus short of the fish. If the fish are too dark, then you need more exposure. You have to either decrease shutter speeds, which will lead to movement blur, increase...
  5. J

    Attempt 4 With My 10 Gallon... Stocking Ideas?

    I'd pass on the platies, mollies and swords. They're too big and they poop way too much for a 10 gallon tank. Stick with small tetras and do an Amazon themed tank. 
  6. J

    How To Take Good Pictures Of Aquarium And Fish?

    Nice start on the pics. The point about the macro is spot on, especially if you can get a hold of a DSLR rig and a 90mm macro. Another type you can try if you cannot do off camera flash is to get the lens right up against the glass and use your on camera flash. As long as the lens is against the...
  7. J

    How To Take Good Pictures Of Aquarium And Fish?

    You'll need very deep depth of field, which should be easy to obtain with a G9 since it is a small sensor compact and those cameras inherently have lots of DOF. Use a solid, sturdy tripod, lowest possible ISO and DO use flash, but use it properly, off camera and remotely triggered. That's how...
  8. J

    Tetra Ht10 (50W) Heater Lights Flickering?

    If your tank is at 70 degrees then your heater is defective. an HT10 is supposed to maintain a constant 78 degree temp. If yours is only getting to 70, the heater is bad....toss it and get another one, preferable one with a thermostat you can set for desired temp. the HT10 is a preset heater.
  9. J

    Treating For Flukes With Shrimp

    Thanks, basically the symtpoms seem to be flashing/rubbing the gills against the substrate and labored, rapid breathing. It's a bit hard to see his gills as the fish tends to stay deep in the plants. The Sterbai's appetite is off though as I noted he did not feed while the Pandas attacked the...
  10. J

    Cloudy Water

    Your tank is not cycled. Thus you are most likely getting toxic levels of ammonia building up in the tank from fish waste. The cloudy water is just a bacterial bloom in the tank and is generally not harmful to the fish. Your best bet will be to return your fish and do fishless cycle. There...
  11. J

    Treating For Flukes With Shrimp

    Hi, I had one of my sterbais come up dead yesterday, unexepctedly. The previous day all the cories were quite active and showing no signs of distress. Yesterday I noticed one of the sterbais dead on his side in the tank and second one breathing quite heavily. All the other inhabitants seem...
  12. J

    Curious What Would Happen...

    Make sure all your electrical equipment for the tank is plugged into a GFCI protected power strip. A ground fault circuit interupter (GFCI) is a device that senses a fault to electrical ground (ie a cracked heater, wet cord, etc.) and kills the power to the entire power strip. GCFI's are...
  13. J

    Tank With Yellowish Water And Brown Sludge On The Filter

    I'm not positive about what is causing the water issues, but I will guess it has to do with your stocking. Having 6 four inch koi in a 20G tank is *way* overstocked. Koi and all goldfish are messy fish which generate huge amounts of waste. The typical recommendation for a single goldfish/koi...
  14. J

    Cycling Problems And Questions

    The density of the ammonia will have not bearing. Once you disperse the ammonia solution within the volume of water within your tank, there will be difference at all in the denisty. In fact, I cannot imagine a household amount solution will have a density any different than plain water, as the...
  15. J

    My 60 litre Tank

    You realize the OP posted the original question 4 years ago....... :) John
  16. J

    Do Small Tanks Have To Be Cycled?

    All size tanks need to be cycled. Cycling builds up a beneficial bacterial filter in your tank that processes the fish wastes. Even if you never made an effort to cycle your tanks, nature will still evenutally cycle the tank in time, though perhaps at the expense of your fish dying off. John
  17. J

    Another Algae Question

    Is that really 1900 to 1100....that is from 7pm in the evening till 11am the next morning......or should be 1900 to 2300, from 7-11pm? If it is the former, then the light is the problem. John
  18. J

    Biological Additives

    Who knows what is what?? Two products, different packaging, same name, same company, one refrigerated, one not........ :blink: although Dr Tim's One and Only is a refrigerated...
  19. J

    Biological Additives

    From reading the website, Safe Start is a similar product, not an exact copy of Bio Spira. It claims to not require refrigeration but also claims to only have a shelf life of 6-9 months. For what it is worth, the new version of Bio Spira for marine aquariums is also no longer a refrigerated...
  20. J

    Biological Additives

    Bio Spira is no longer a refrigerated product as well. The only place around me that seems to stock it is Aquarium Adventure/Petland and they keep the Bio Spira on the shelf next to the Safe Start. What I was told is Bio Spira is no longer manufactured for fresh water and Tetra Products...
  21. J

    Ammonia Monitor

    You're looking for something like an ion selective electrode. They make them for a wide variety of parameters such as ammonia/ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, chloride, sulfate, pH, sodium, calcium, etc. You can get them in real time sensor packages as well, but you will need a separate electrode...
  22. J

    High Ammonia; No Sick Fish So Far

    Hi, You have *way* too many fish for a 12 gallon tank. At the most this tank should support maybe 6 neons and one dwarf gourami. The barbs will be very aggressive, especially in such cramped quarters and the angels will grow way too large for that as they get larger they will...