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  1. J

    Compatibility For 700 Gallon Tank

    you mean my father......well he owns textiles that manufacture colth material and then makes clothes for Chanel, and d&g...
  2. J

    Compatibility For 700 Gallon Tank

    actually i am a only 19...but love fish since i was 6.....right now i just get money from my father.......
  3. J

    Compatibility For 700 Gallon Tank

    i think its already gonna be pretty fully more fish .....
  4. J

    Compatibility For 700 Gallon Tank

    actually....rite now its being made so i dont.....but i'll post pics when i get it.....
  5. J

    Compatibility For 700 Gallon Tank

    this is how i am planning to add them....1st the majestic and scribbled. 1 month later a blueface and emperor 1 month later ...the larger koran and queen... thank you for replying this is how i am planning to add them....1st the majestic and scribbled. 1 month later a blueface and emperor 1...
  6. J

    Compatibility For 700 Gallon Tank

    thank you for responding this is my angel list emperor koran blueface majestic queen now i was looking for adding one more..;..which is better, the scribbbled or the blue-ring (annularis)?
  7. J

    Compatibility For 700 Gallon Tank

    please tell me should i add a scribbled or a blue-ring angelfish
  8. J

    Compatibility For 700 Gallon Tank

    dont worry i have already planned for tangs also eat the algae growing on the glass....because my tank is really tall 3 feet and i would hate to reach in there and scrape it off.
  9. J

    Compatibility For 700 Gallon Tank

    thank you so much for answering......also i already had a 50 gallon tank because of my previous goldfish and i have already set iot up for quarantine......i have set it up so that by the time the new tank cycles, this should also cycle. ....and abt the butterflyfish, i know many are very hard to...
  10. J

    Compatibility For 700 Gallon Tank

    thats strange because ich is the most common disease in saltwater...... by the way thank you for welcoming me.......
  11. J

    Compatibility For 700 Gallon Tank

    well i have chosen the more peaceful triggers and have also seen pictures of them being cleaned by cleaner wrasse. so the risk is not to big, if they do eat them, then i will remove the culprit because with these many tangs ich could break out any time and it is hard to treat a very large...
  12. J

    Compatibility For 700 Gallon Tank

    hello. i just joined this new site and can u guys help me. i ordered a new 700 FOWLR tank yesterday and was hoping that you guys could help me with my stocking. the fish i wanna add are as follows 1 blue-ring angelfish 5-6 in 1 emperor angel 5-6in 1 majestic angel 5-6 in 1 blueface angel 5-6 in...