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  1. M

    Converting Fresh to Marine

    I have a well established 46 gallon freshwater tank, and I wondered how easy it would be to switch to marine. For example, would the beneficial bacteria survive the switch, or is it a question of "rip it up and start again"?
  2. M

    Can anyone identify this cichlid for me please?

    Well that solves that one. Thanks!
  3. M

    how do u pronounce cichlids?

    According to Oxford English Dictionary it is indeed sick-lid.
  4. M

    Can anyone identify this cichlid for me please?

    I was told it is a Jack Demsey, but I don't believe it is. Sorry it is blurred, seems everything is in focus but the fish. I'll keep trying! The spots mid body and tail are much sharper than they appear on this photo. Thanks for your help.
  5. M

    9 days and still no nitrites

    Dunno, but when you use fish it can take 3-4 weeks.
  6. M

    Top half of aquarium.

    Any recommendations on peaceful fish to inhabit my rather empty top half of my tank? Ta!
  7. M

    Newbie - cycling and refilling questions

    I've just completed the cycling of my first tank, but I used fish, but I can try to answer your questions. If anything I say is inaccurate I imagine/ hope to be corrected by more experienced fish keepers here. 1. Snails aren't a bad thing, but out of control they are a bad thing. Snails add to...
  8. M

    too many different filters :S

    I'd recommend a biowheel with carbon filter. Well impressed with mine.
  9. M

    Blue Gourami

    Yes, Betta is the US name for what the British (I am English, living in US) call the Siamese Fighter, and looking at your fish selection I would say it would do fine in your tank.
  10. M

    Fish selection suggestions?

    Thanks Mike I took the plunge today and returned my neons, getting full credit for them. I replaced them with 8 columbian tetras and 1 angel fish. If the angel fish behaves I plan to get a couple more. The columbian tetras are certainly lively, and the gouramis seems to feel the need to...
  11. M

    For Freshwater gal!

    Interesting. I was thinking of getting Angels, and was seriously considering ditching my neons to achieve that. (Well, returning them to the store actually).
  12. M

    Fish selection suggestions?

    Guess not then. :rolleyes:
  13. M

    For Freshwater gal!

    Your tank is... 46 gal bow front Penguin 170 bio-wheel: 1- Pearl Gourami, 2-Blue Platy's, 1-Paradise Gourami, 2-Gold Banded Platy's, 1-Pleco, 1-Dano, 3-German Blue Rams, 1-White Cloud, 4-Cory Cats, 3-Angels, 7-Neon Tetra, 4-Red Phantoms, 4-Green Flame Neons, 1-Red Flame Gourami 4-Pretty lil...
  14. M

    cludyish water/filter

    I've recently set up a 46 gal tank and during the final days of cycling it suddenly went cloudy, and a white deposit manifested itself on plants and decor. However I did have fish in it, but they soon died (possibly high nitrites more than anything). I sought advice, and was told it would clear...
  15. M

    Salt tolerant?

    I used Aquatronics super ich plus, and it worked a treat in less than 6 days (2nd treatment 3 days after the first).
  16. M

    Fish selection suggestions?

    I have a tropical freshwater aquarium (46 gallons) with the following fish... 1 pleco 1 Whitetip Shark (catfish) 16 neons 2 cories 2 dwarf gouramis 1 male betta I would like to add a few striking or interesting/ unusual fish that would be compatable with this selection. I think the neons...