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  1. F

    My Mother Came Home With Two Tubs Full Of Plants...

    In one tub is Hornwort, or ''Coontail''. Which i've had before from her friend at work. This time she's given me some plants that need to root into the gravel - and i have no idea what it is. It was a pain to just find where the end and the tips were in some cases, and i put a good amount into...
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    Betta Is Acting Funny?

    I just fed it -- so it fed normally. Afterwards it moved to lay on the gravel -- and see to like.. rub or brush up against it while laying there? o_o; I've never seen it do something like this. It's a 2.5 gallon -- has an real aquatic plant in the tank with the betta. It's been making bubble...
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    Betta Fish Issue.

    Its fins are still ragged -- and i fear that it is getting worse. the anal fin is now split down the middle. I removed the plastic plant that came with the kit. I dont think he has fin rot -- it doesnt have the white edges. But it could be fin rot -- who knows... But i'm so worried. I think it...
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    My Currently Nameless Betta!

    Ahh. Alright. Thanks. :D
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    My Currently Nameless Betta!

    Probably between Tide and Summanus. I cant wait to see his tail grow out. Tail id without the caudal fin entire is difficult after all.. But who knows. Either way i'm happy with the fish. :]
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    Since When Has Petco Been Doing This?

    Ehh. Petco has been doing this for.. a good 6+ months, at least at our petco. I remember them doing that early winter maybe? I may not agree with the huge things of salt they put in there at all, but at least they tried. :/ There were a few tanks without bowls of the stuff -- but still.. they...
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    My Currently Nameless Betta!

    Ooh! That's sounds fantastic! :DD
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    My Currently Nameless Betta!

    Ahh. Either way -- i still like the fins. Most of the bettas there were pretty good quality -- had crowntails out as well. He's a gorgeous fish either way. o: <3 Idk as far as a name goes though. Midnight is a maybe. :3
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    My Currently Nameless Betta!

    Unsure of type of betta entirely. What kind of fins and coloration does it have? I loveee the green sheen it has to it. <3 <3 and also... any name suggestions? Comet maybe? What do you think? I have a small glare in the photos... >>; My fingers show up in 2-3 of them. lol. Disregard that.
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    Your First Fish

    I placed in a cory cat, 4 glo-light tetras, aquatic frog and a bamboo shrimp. The shirmp, frog, and one of the tetras have died, though, over time. Unfortunate. ):
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    What Is This? Dangerous?

    It's definitely a damselfly -- It's 'gills' are at the rear, and they look like feathers. ;] Dragonflies are much uglier and slightly bulkier from experience. Lol. -- they do not...
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    Tetra Has Drained Of Color..?

    His color returned to normal after i left to buy new fishfood and whatnot. And he seems just like he was. I'm not sure what was up -- but he must've been stressed somehow. I do plan on buying a few more tetras -- but i could only afford 4 at the time (one had died a few after due to lack of...
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    Tetra Has Drained Of Color..?

    One of my glo-light tetras has drained of color -- I peeked in to my 10 gallon as soon as I got home -- and fed them. The tetra in question has lost that red color in its eye, and partially in its body. What could be the problems -- and what could I do about it? ): Of course, tetras are...
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    So -- I Have One Question...

    Alright! I planned on keeping him in his own cage anyway. He's a very handsome betta and i'll definitely post some pictures of him sometime soon. He was one of the healtiest ones there at that time -- so i am very satisfied with my selection. :] The fins are very big and pretty, looking like a...
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    So -- I Have One Question...

    I'm a proud owner one one betta currently -- a shiny blue one with a shiny red glint when shined on. It's a male. I got it today, as my birthday is on the 22nd. :] But I was was wondering if a male, or a female, betta would be able to coexist in my 10 gallon. It currently has some aquatic...