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  1. M


    hi guys,, I have a clown loach in with my red tailed and they even seem to be buddies....they even stay in the same boat together....dont know why but they get along really well together... :thumbs:
  2. M


    hi guys,, I have a clown loach in with my red tailed and they even seem to be buddies....they even stay in the same boat together....dont know why but they get along really well together... :thumbs:
  3. M

    Betta has disappeared

    Good news...found him or should i say he found us...have no idea where he was but he showed himself a couple of nights ago... Thanks for all your suggestions... :rolleyes:
  4. M

    Betta has disappeared

    still haven't found him...checked filter not there either...oh well i quess he is gone to fishy heaven :byebye:
  5. M

    Betta has disappeared

    thank for the tips i will try to locate tank is a 33 gallon and I do plan on looking for another home for my sharks as i know they will need a bigger tank.... :D i hope he is just hiding as i have never seen any remains left but like you said the pleco could make quick work of...
  6. M

    Betta has disappeared

    I had a blue male betta and it is now missing...have no idea where he went...or what happened to him....i have a community tank with 1 clown loach, 1 bala shark, 1 red tailed shark, 1 pleco, 2 male swordtails, 3 tetras. I know alot of people will say it was the red tailed shark but i have never...
  7. M


    :rofl: sorry never got to page 2 before i posted...obviously someone else was ahead of me...boy how stunned can I get... :fun:
  8. M


    Could it be a bumblebee catfish????
  9. M

    algae bloom

    it seems to be just in the water...don't see any on my rocks or glass...there is a little bit of black on my plants though(plastic)...i'm at a loss...hope you can help..thanks
  10. M

    algae bloom

    Ive only cut back this past couple of tank is on the side to a doesn't get much sun light at all...could the rocks in the bottom be causing it...they were not bought at a pet store but from walmart...
  11. M

    algae bloom

    I was feeding them twice per day...but have cut back to once per day I use to have the light on for approx..12 hrs...but have that cut back to about 6 hours I've been doing partial water changes about twice per week since this has started.. thank you for replying..
  12. M

    algae bloom

    Hi all, I hope I can get some help here on this one...I have what they call algae bloom...I had my water tested at the pet store and my water is perfectly fine...My question is how do I get rid of this? I have tried using the stuff for clear water, works good for a day or so and then clouds...
  13. M

    Can't get rid of cloudy water

    Thanks so much for your help!! :thumbs: If I have any more problems I will be sure to post here! Have a good day :D
  14. M

    Can't get rid of cloudy water

    I cleaned my fitler about a week or so after it got cloudy...i rinsed the sponge...about 3 days after i changed the carbon...about a week later (as it was cloudy again)..i cleaned the filter itself....will this go away on its own...or is there something else i should do?....thanks for your advice!!!
  15. M

    Can't get rid of cloudy water

    Its a 33 US gallon with an Aqua Clear 300 filter...
  16. M

    Can't get rid of cloudy water

    Sorry should have said that...its like white cloudy...almost like fog...gets thicker as time goes by...i add crystal clear and it clears up within a couple of hours and then after another day or so its get cloudy again to the point that i can't see through the sides to the other side....takes...
  17. M

    Can't get rid of cloudy water

    Hi All, Hope I can get some fish tank was set up at Christmas was doing wonderful til about 3 weeks ago when I added my tetras...It has gotten cloudy...have changed water and cleaned all of tank, have used stuff for clearing the water but after 12 hrs it clouds back up again...have no...
  18. M

    what happened to my male swordfish

    me again... this is my first fish tank 33 US Gallon and I should have came here first obviously, you would think the people at the fish stores would tell you from the start (which i did ask) on what would be best suited...they sold me 3 tiger barbs which killed my first bala shark...i was so...
  19. M

    what happened to my male swordfish

    thank you all for responding so quickly...i would never have guessed the rope fish...seems so fishes are only small yet...will probably have to get a bigger tank...come to think of it the rope fish was like having spasms a couple of nights ago and seem to be dislodging something from...
  20. M

    what happened to my male swordfish

    :whistle: hi all Im a new user but i am jumping in here with 2 feet...I have a 33 gallon tank and have a rope fish, bala shark, clown loach, red tailed shark, 2 alge eaters, 1 small frog, 2 female problem is I had 3 swordfish...the male is now AWOL....have no idea where he...