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  1. jonnyf84

    How is best to pick up objects from the bottom of a very deep tank?

    Thank you Mikey but please stop thinking so hard before you have a aneurysm. The tank isn't my own so I don't know how they were originally lowered, I imagine they were dropped onto the substrate from a low height, my abilities don't include 'the force'.
  2. jonnyf84

    How is best to pick up objects from the bottom of a very deep tank?

    The tank in question has poor access, it's far too narrow for a landing net and far too deep for a standard aquarium net, it has ocean rock that needs removing and cleaned, the heaviest rock weighs around 7KG, the tank is 3 foot deep and set in a wall. Any tips on how to remove these rocks...
  3. jonnyf84

    Nitrite problems

    So you seeded and dosed ammonia, I would do one or the other next time. Seeding is best. Patience is key, let it run it's course, your only 5 days in after all, it could take many weeks. Keep a eye on PH, much under 6 and the cycle will stall. Chill :)
  4. jonnyf84

    Breeders clubs

    Hi all, I'm looking for any breeders clubs that specialise in rare livebearers or rainbow fish here in the UK. Any links or info would be appreciated. Thanks.
  5. jonnyf84

    X.Nezahualcoyotl, Northern Mountain, Livebearer clubs

    Hi, it's been a while, how it's changed in the last few years, ads galore! I'm trying to find my fave livebearer. I know they will be hard to find so if anyone can help it would be fantastic. Northern Mountain Swordtail, Xiphophorus Nezahualcoyotl If not directly then could someone send me...
  6. jonnyf84

    Lfs Advice Queary

    Some good points, thanks.
  7. jonnyf84

    Lfs Advice Queary

  8. jonnyf84

    Larger Peaceful Fish ?

    How about a plec, L260 are becoming available again, stunning. Maybe clown loach, a adult may eat guppies but if you buy juveniles that wont be for a few years by which time your guppies will have died anyway.
  9. jonnyf84

    What Is Going On?

    Its most likely to be eggs in the wood, snail eggs are temperature sensitive and can take up to a couple of months to hatch so this is very possible, don't worry about meds unless it has a high copper content, i have assassins in the majority of tanks at work, many have been through meds...
  10. jonnyf84

    Some Help Again Id'ing A Fish

    Agreed, it will change from been striped to spotted when it matures.
  11. jonnyf84

    What Kind Of Fish Is This?

    There are always exceptions but in general they are most definitely aggressive, i saw my old senagalus attack fully grown arowana and even a lung fish, very cool fish though. 
  12. jonnyf84

    Lfs Advice Queary

    Hello,   I work in a reputable pet shop with a large aquatics section, my job is centred around the freshwater fish and in terms of fish room staff i would be the guy to go to for freshwater advice.   So i had a customer who asked me how many water changes he should do, he told me he had a 50-60...
  13. jonnyf84

    Snail Management

    pygmy chain loach, every time.
  14. jonnyf84

    Easy Low Requirement Plants

    echinodorus sp. large family with varying sizes, all south american, mostly very tough.
  15. jonnyf84

    Cleaning Sand

    depends on the weight of the sand, if its play sand then a gravel vac wont work, i use river sand and use the vac every time, just squeeze the hose to release the pressure when the sand gets near the top, you'll soon get hang of it.
  16. jonnyf84

    Quality Frozen Food Vitamin/enrichment Supplement?

    excellent, that's a interesting link. thanks.
  17. jonnyf84

    Quality Frozen Food Vitamin/enrichment Supplement?

    Thanks, I'll have a look into it.
  18. jonnyf84

    Golden Nugget Pleco

    initially feeding seems to be the issue, you might get a good one but have a wide range of quality foods available, frozen and dried, feed fresh greens like cucumber and courgette, feed at night if there's no joy during the day, i find live tubifex is gobbled up at night once they've settled in...
  19. jonnyf84

    Under Gravel Filter

    Hi, the majority of tanks where i work are run off UG's, 130 approx ranging from 350L to 30L, when i first went there is was one thing i pushed to get rid of, i wanted sumps running 2 tanks each just filled with biological media, this is the modern way and been reasonably young i thought that's...
  20. jonnyf84

    Catappa Almond Leaves

    should be fine, I've kept peacock gobies in neutral ph before, your other fish are all quite adaptable though so why would you bother?
  21. jonnyf84

    Golden Nugget Pleco

    they are fine on there own but be warned most gold nugget species are tough to look after, not all adapt to aquarium life, i don't know what's happened over the years because this never used to be the case... thats a good price though.
  22. jonnyf84

    Quality Frozen Food Vitamin/enrichment Supplement?

    do you think it helped? is there any other opinions? I'm struggling to believe that more people aren't interested in this, i guess its mainly bread and butter on here that accept a wide range of dried foods. What about the discus breeders, you must enrich your food? maybe i should post on the...
  23. jonnyf84

    Quality Frozen Food Vitamin/enrichment Supplement?

    Certain fish only feed off frozen or live food as we all know but the little fellas from this group that we keep have slim pickings in terms of food, i can only think of 5 or 6 viable and easily obtainable frozen and live foods and sometimes a fish will be picky enough to only accept one of...
  24. jonnyf84

    Plant Problem

    You said fish produce it and I know her literature well, you took your time over that reply didn't you. I won't waste my time with a lengthy response. which results in quicker, less nutrient deficient and more scape-able plants, el natural or co2 and ferts?
  25. jonnyf84

    Plant Problem

    um, i said photosyntheses is essential, which it is for longevity. Fish and night time production of co2 from plants is not enough to sustain the vast majority of plants for any more than a year, at best.
  26. jonnyf84

    Plant Problem

    get co2, photosyntheses is essential, follow other advice on lighting and ferts. should help lower ph too if in a discus set up.
  27. jonnyf84

    Fish Id Please :)

    pseudotropheus zebra, juvenile very aggressive when mature.
  28. jonnyf84

    Gas Desiese?

    prob no cure, long drawn out death, pop eye/cloudy eye usually a sign of poor water but it could have got a cut infected, could be wrong its just my best guess from your loose description. balloon mollies are creations, hybrids - they'r destined to have complications.
  29. jonnyf84


    assassin snail
  30. jonnyf84

    Snail Dilemma

    no, kill or cope.
  31. jonnyf84

    Tiger Barbs With Kribs

    Internals are pretty much all the same just go for one with a large turnover rate, a fluval 2+ is never going to keep 39g filtered efficiently when the tank is fully stocked, you want to be looking at between 3-5 times turnover per hour for decent filtration, so look for 600-1000 lph models.
  32. jonnyf84

    Lighting For 10 Gallon

    you'll have a hard time managing your nutrient levels in such a small tank and with 5 wpg (watts per gallon) i don't think your tank will have a long shelf life, its likely to get consumed by algae or become overgrown and unmanageable. High light and high nutrient planted tanks need stability...
  33. jonnyf84

    Natural Ph Of My Tap Water

    must be, they are adaptable but do prefer it soft, acidic, warm, slow flow, that's why they are one of few compatible tank mates for discus.
  34. jonnyf84


    if you re-wire it yes but i wouldn't advise it, get a new starter, or a LED strip, or a reflector.
  35. jonnyf84

    Natural Ph Of My Tap Water

    angels prefer soft, acidic water.
  36. jonnyf84

    Tiger Barbs With Kribs

    should be fine, expect a bit of chasing if the kribs breed but nothing to worry about with a big shoal, dont expect the krib fry to survive though, they'l get picked off.
  37. jonnyf84

    Natural Ph Of My Tap Water

    ro water or bog wood ro water or bog wood
  38. jonnyf84

    Split Tail And Fin Rot?! =/

    hard to tell from that but it looks like its just a knick, maybe hes caught it on something or been nipped. I dont know if you get melafix in the US but that should do it, its just tea tree oil.
  39. jonnyf84

    Split Tail And Fin Rot?! =/

    Add some aquarium salt until you manage to get some pictures up, its very cheap. better to properly diagnose than to use the wrong treatment.
  40. jonnyf84

    Can Someone Tell Me The Name Of This Little Fella?

    3 foot in the wild, usually half that in aquariums but sometimes bigger. looks more like a peacock eel, they get to a foot roughly.