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  1. F

    Changing To Smaller Fish Tank

    Hi all,   Due to moving into a small flat next week I am having to down grade to a lot smaller tank. I currently have a 3 and half foot tank and have bought a small 28 litre pets at home aqua start 320 if anyone is familiar with the name I have to make the hard decision of which fish to keep...
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    Jewie Corey Lying On Side

    I might try a fasting day as well, Yeah no problem my tank is 88 litre, I have a fluval 306 external filter running it, I have a 9 corys, 5 male guppys, 2 harliquins, 3 glass catfish, a rubber nose plec, a twig and 2 tetras.
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    Jewie Corey Lying On Side

    Yeah I test my water every two weeks myself, always fine, I didn't realise that the feeders were bad otherwise I wouldn't of used them, Well I wont any more at least! Yeah I did a water change this morning as he had died sometime in the night so would of been rotting for a few hours hopefully...
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    Jewie Corey Lying On Side

    Just an Update....   Unfortunately the Cory died last night! :( He was separated from the rest of the tank but when I found him this morning he had a small hole in his side, Does anyone know what could of caused this?   Dan
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    Jewie Corey Lying On Side

    Hi,   No worries about reply, I had a 7 day feeder block in there, did a water change day I went and then another day I got back was only gone for 5 days. The cory in question does have a bloated stomach compared to the other cory but is the smallest out of them all.    Dan
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    Jewie Corey Lying On Side

    Hi All   I've just got back from a 5 day holiday and noticed that my Corey was lying on his side still as a statue, I thought he was dead so went to scoop him out and he swam off like nothing had happened, that was two days ago since then he keeps lying on his side not moving until you move...
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    Zebra Danio With Curved Spine

    Hi All,   I've had a female zebra danio with a curved spine for about a year and half, The danio is fine apart from it's slightly hunch backed and quite fat looking, It eats fine, swims fine acts like nothing is wrong, I've heard this can happen from the amount of inbreeding in the species. My...
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    Plec Veggies

    Yes its a common pleco.    Ill give that ago tomoorow night and see how I get on,   Thanks All for comments    Dan
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    Plec Veggies

    Hi All,   Just a quick one I have a good size plec and keep reading online they love cucumber and other veggies, What ever I put into the tank for him he dosent touch dosent even go near it. Is there na special way or time to feed them etc?   Thanks    Dan 
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    Water Changes

    Hi All.   Question about water changes I do a 25% water change each week, Is that a normal amount?, My main question though is I replace the water out of the hose, I treat it with dechlorinater but put it in cold is this harmful to the fish? as someone told me recently it could be?   Thanks    Dan
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    High Ph To Low Ph

    Hi All,   Just wanted to ask about PH, recently Ive always had a really high PH level in my tank, So I decided to buy some drift wood now though the PH has dropped to 6.5 it was 7.8 when it was really high what is the norm for PH? and is low PH a good or bad thing for fish?   Thanks    Dan
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    Plec Growth

    Thanks DRB very helpful, does this increase or decrease the more the plec eats and how much algie is in the tank?
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    Plec Growth

    Hi All, I have had a common plec since march this year I cant remember exactly how big he was when I got him, I just remember fairly small, I know they grow big but my question is how fast do they grow as mine is now 6 Inches if I had to geuss I would say he was no longer than 10 cm when I...
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    Zebra Danio Death Linked To High Ph

    Hi the_lock_man    I do a 25% water change every week and an half, I test my water every week and I've never had the ammonia levels go above 0.2 all my other fish have always been fine,    I have 2 harlequins, 4 albino corydorys, 12 tank bred guppies, and a rubber nose plec and 3 glass catfish...
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    Zebra Danio Death Linked To High Ph

    Hi All, I have had 8 Zebra danios in a 3 foot tank for about 14 months, I mow only have two the latest fish to die was about an hour ago, The same thing has happened each time, the zebra danio will start getting really fat as if full of eggs, then over a space of a month or two will overnight...
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    Yo Yo Loach / Golden Sucking Loach

    Hi all,    I have already posted about this a good few months ago but thought i'd ask something diffrent about it. Unfortunatley I had three yo yo loaches two of them 6" and the other around 4" I came down one morning and the two biggest loaches were floating at the top dead along with my...
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    Guppy Fry/ Holiday

    Hi All,    I have three guppy's that now have 15 fry, one fry is about 3 weeks old and the rest are a new batch so only about 4 days old. they are all save in a big breeding unit, My question was I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks and was wondering what the procedure for feeding them would be. I'm...
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    Mixed Loaches

    ok thank you Baccus for this information
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    High Ph/breeding

    thanks guys I have done a big water change and will start doing water changes more frequently from now on. Hopefully the tank will be a happy one again.
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    Mixed Loaches

    Hi all, I have a yo yo/packistani loach and a golden sucking loach which weirdly have started spawning together, they follow each other around all day lie next to each other and swim erraticly around each other. I just wanted to know if its possible for them to actually cross breed? Cheers Dan
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    High Ph/breeding

    The tank has been set up for 2 years, I thought they were full of eggs more because all the ones that died were activley spawning all the time. what I found about a day or two before they died their stomachs got really big, Both danios got like streaks of red across theirs bellys almost like...
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    High Ph/breeding

    Hi all, Just a quick question in the last maye six months I have had two harliquins, 1 zebra and 1 leopard danio all die. The thing is they were all full of eggs when this happened all the other fish in my tank are fine, my water tests are all fine apart from a high PH which is at 7.8. my...