Search results

  1. J

    New Baby Dwarf Plecs

    what kind of plecs are they??? Not sure - apart from being dwarf ones. Will get photos tonight and post them. Cheers John
  2. J

    New Baby Dwarf Plecs

    Hi, Last night we found 2 new baby plecs in our tank. The parents are 2 dwarf plecs - different species I think as they look quite different to each other! It was very unexpected - and I've just had an email here at work to say that they can now see 8 babies! Each is about 0.5 inches long...
  3. J

    Unidentified Fish

    Awesome, thanks for the rapid identification! Means we can now ensure we're looking after / feeding all these lovely fish correctly. It was a shame to find a new home for the red tail shark, but he'd become a bit too aggressive - and looks like he had taken a chunk out of the large male silver...
  4. J

    Unidentified Fish

    Thanks so much for all the replies! Think we'll find the red tail shark a new home, as he is a little too aggressive with the others! Many thanks again for all your help. John
  5. J

    Unidentified Fish

    Hi all, As seems to be the norm, the fish shop that supplied our fish seemed more interested in profit than the welfare of the fish.. So got a tank of fish that *even I* know shouldn't be together :) Identified most, but 2 species remain unidentified...