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  1. H

    clay pots

    does anyone know what i can use to make holes in the clay pots, that r to be used for hiding places?
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    aquaclear u tubes

    what do u guys use to clean the aquaclear u tubes.......i cant seem to find a brush that will make the bend
  3. H

    here's where I should start into this about a yr it.........have a 29 gallon tank........setting up a 10 gallon qt tank as we speak..........good luck......btw if u need equipment....check out prices around)......and very reputable.........and if u print...
  4. H

    too much filtration?

    would using the aquaclear 200 be too much filtration for a 10 gallon qt/hospital tank?.....its either that or the 150
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    aquaclear filters

    what size aquaclear filter should i use in my new 10 gallon qt tank?..........(aquaclear mini........150......or 200????????
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    aquaclear 300

    do any of u use polyester filter floss with ur sponge.....and, if u do, where do u get it in the states???
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    aquaclear 300

    has anyone had problems with the intake on the 300, being too strong?......i have found a few little tetras and rasboras wrapped around the intake.......i have since modified a sponge to wrap around the bottom of the tube............tks in advance........just wondering if this was a common problem
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    HOB Filter for 20-30 gal

    i have an aquaclear 300 on a 30 gallon tank.....very quiet.........try prices!!!!!!
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    aquaclear 300

    anyone use polyester on top of the sponges?.......if u do, how do u use it?
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    All Glass vs. Perfecto

    a friend of mine breeds fish......he recommended i get a perfecto.....says he liked it better than all-glass......well, i have gotten it and like it lots......its a 30 has 50 tanks in his basement........
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    Aquaclear 300 cleaning

    has anyone found a brush, which will allow u to clean the aquaclear (300) intake tubes.(the U tubes)???.....i found something in walmart, a bottle cleaner (2 brushes) but it is a little short........was wondering if anyone has found the ideal brush for cleaning these tubes,,,,,,
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    filter floss

    anyone ever use filter floss in an aquaclear 300?..........i saw some white batting material in that what they mean by filter floss? u just lay it on top of the sponge? or is it put in some kind of bag? is polyester floss the same thing?........i have even seen...
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    newbie one

    new to hobby......30 gal FW tank......10 various tetras and 2 corys for now............this looks like a great site.......
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    water changes

    i have got my ammonia to drop fm 2.0 to .5, doing water changes.........i cant seem to get it to drop any lower, and i have been doing the water changes daily.......(4-5 gallon changes)..........any suggestions.........ammo rid pack in filter was doing nothing.........removed it
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    am new to hobby......have 30 gal tank with 10 various tetras and 2 albino corys........ammo has dropped to .5......nitrite...0.......nitrate.......<.5.......(tank is cycled, i believe???).......i plan on having a few dwarf gouramis.....danios and ph from the tap is...
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    Another Newbie here

    new to forum........hi 30gal tank.....almost one month old.......verious ammonia down from 2.0 to 1.0........CANNOT get any lower and have done repeated 5 gal water
  17. H

    Ammonia still.

    new to hobby..........have 10 various tetras.....made common mistake of overfeeding in the beginning.........(lost2)......all has been ok for about 2 weeks now.......originally ammo was 2.0.....added ammo rid pack to aquaclear filter and some extra zeolite chips.........ammo dropped to...