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  1. J

    Pearl Danios died...

    Can anyone help me? a Pearl Danios died about 3 weeks after adding a silver shark. A week later, the remaining Pearl Danio died. Does anyone know what are the optimum conditions for this fish? Would these fish die if a silver shark kept swimming around quickly around the tank? Am going to...
  2. J

    Looking for an external filter

    Today I bought home my brand new Eheim Professional 2222 - it cost £80 including the filter media. Here is a really cheap website which I used and very efficient and quick. YOu should have a look:
  3. J

    Freshwater Mussels

    Does anyone know much about freshwater mussels? How to feed them, what environment they can go in, etc. I have heard that they are just like sea mussels but can simply be placed in your tropical freshwater aquarium. Does anyone have any or know where to get some from? Cheers, Jon
  4. J

    Siamese Fighting Fish

    Hi, Just wondering out of curiosity rather than doing this... I've heard that Siamese fighting fish need minimal maintenance and will quite happily live in a small 1 gallon bowl. The thing I'm having difficulty clarifying is.... I have heard that they do not need a heater! I live in the UK so...
  5. J

    Effect of sand on plants

    Thanks for all your help guys - just 1 remaining question... Where do I get pool filter sand from? Will they have it at garden centres? Cheers, JOn
  6. J

    Effect of sand on plants

    Can you put compost in a fishtank?!?! Wouldn't that mess everything up? Jon
  7. J

    Effect of sand on plants

    Is it true that having just sand as substrate in your tank is bad for your plants? I thought it was a good thing because the roots can really grow properly. However, I've heard that just sand alone can compact roots and kill them. I want to put just sand in my tank but does anyone have any...
  8. J

    neons in new tank?

    Neons are hardy - I added 7 to my 20 Gallon tank after 2 weeks of cycling (from new) and they're happy as ever.
  9. J


    Surrey, UK... Are there any brands I can go for, e.g. homebase, argos playsand, etc? Or should I just get any sand which looks good? Thanks for the advice for cleaning the sand!
  10. J

    Ghost Shrimp

    I have 2 ghost shrimp which usually hide and we never see them. However, on Saturday we fed the fish some live brine shrimp treats which live in brine (salty water). I put these into the tank using a pipette so some traces of the brine went into the freshwater tank. As soon as the ghost...
  11. J


    Hi All, I just want to find out what sand to buy for my aquarium. I just want a layer of sand about 1.5" thick. Can I buy a really nice looking golden sand and if so, what's the cheapest that I can buy? Can I just go to a garden centre? I'm assuming that I need to wash the sand and if so...
  12. J

    Neon Tetras

    I have heard that after some time in a tank, neon tetra's don't school as much as they first do. I am led to believe that this is because they are used to the environment and feel happier to wonder off by themselves since they know the place. However, several neon tetras swimming together look...
  13. J

    Do fish have a very short memory?

    I simply want to know, do fish have a very short memory or not? Is it a myth? I am wondering because I don't know how my tropical fish behave. E.g. do the neon tetras remember each other? Due to fate (and death!), we had 1 silver tip tetra and when we introduced neon tetras, he hung around...
  14. J

    Moving house and moving your 3" tank!

    Thanks for the advice but I have a few questions... How did you account for/deal with the new water temperature difference? Did you use warm water from the tap? How did you keep the water warm for the fish during the journey? Thanks again! j
  15. J

    What to add to 70 Gallon tank?

    Unlimited budget hey?.... I'd go for around 25-30 CARDINAL tetra's. THey are almost identical to neons but are a lot better, bit smaller and more impressive (colour wise). May be buy 2 or 3 of those big round fish too - think they're called discus'? 5 or 6 transparent shrimps (good for algae...
  16. J

    Moving house and moving your 3" tank!

    Hi all, Am considering moving house (finally after trying to save up a deposit for a house! I really don't like those landlords who buy more than 1 houses!!)... anyhow, does anyone have any advice about moving my fish tank? Obviously, i need to get rid of some water otherwise it will be far...
  17. J

    Special plant fertilizers...

    I want to help my plants to grow but am a bit worried about adding those plant growing things! Don't they just add nitrates to the tank... the thing you're trying to get rid of so yoru fish won't die? Do i just need more fish? Are the trace elements important? Any advice would be cool. Thx...
  18. J

    Filter type, (was poll).

    Am considering a new tank - what type of filtration is the best, most effective, best to maintain, plant friendly, fish friendly? If there's one that agrees to all that list; tell me what it is! :D Does anyone hate any of the types listed? Have I missed any filtration types?
  19. J

    What to add - 6´tank.

    I have 1 small angelfish and 6 neon tetras. They live fine with each other. In fact, the neon tetras are as long as the angelfish!
  20. J

    Fluval filter.

    Hi anyone, I am considering buying the above for a new freshwater tank - is there anyone out there who has one or can review one for me? Is it recommended or should I go for a different model. It looks good and does everything I need it to. Cheers, Jonathan
  21. J

    Death by food?

    Yesterday before feeding, all the fish were fine. After feeding, one of the neon tetra seemed to just die! On taking it out, I found that its stomach was very full. Is this because it was greedy and ate all the food? Or may be it ate a flake as soon as it hit the water and then swelled up...