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    Omg Again

    Omg I got another "female" and it turns out to be a plakat and injured 2 two of my sexy females again. IS there any way I can stop doing this
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    Breed And Questions

    Ok when breeding a betta and you put the female in chimney and male out is the female suppose to stress? And if the male keep flaring will it mess them up or it wont ruin them?
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    Plakat Male Or Female

    I got a plakat male or vt female I dun have a pic but heres the description *Flares and attacks guppies *Two black stripe on the body from tail to head *Anal fins longaer then stomache fin *Shinyish
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    Pk? Female Vt?

    I'm so lose I cant see the anal fin, I dun wanna risk breeding it, I tried the scale technique
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    The Next Spawn (my Male - Shaz3271 Female)

    How big is that tank set up
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    Saving A Fish

    Back fins are kinda crowntail but seem more like burned =[
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    Saving A Fish

    I saw this betta at the pet shop while I was buying worms. She seem like she is crying to me saying she is sick of this life. I bought it for 5 dollar!!! And gave it these *79 degress water *Dried worms *Life worms *real plants What else should I do to save this poor girl =[
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    Tank Mates

    I got 1 algae eater, 1 ct betta, 3 zebra danio for 2 days and itts working out great. But is it good or bad to put them togeter?
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    7.5 Watt Heater, 6.3l Tank

    I tihnk you should use it but just set it not as high imo
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    My Betta Fins =[

    So those two finz going backward is a natural behavior and not a problem with my betta right?
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    My Betta Fins =[

    I don't knnow why but my betta, the first two small fins under his bladder are not hanging down. They go backward and I dunno wats wrong with it.
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    I Got Him!

    I want babies!!! :rolleyes: I would definatly pay for shipping, sexy beast
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    Bubble Nest

    My male betta lives alone in a tank right now and I woke up today with a lot of bubbles, I was wondering if I put a female in there right now would they mate soon or it doesnt work that way
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    New Crowntail

    1 gallon tank, i dunno the tempurture, alert(when I go to him, it runs )
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    New Crowntail

    I jsut got a new crown tail and was so happy until it starts to floot on top of the water with his lips up, I'm so worried, I love it =[
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    New Fish

    But how do you choose it? Cause I want a perfect one and I dun mind spending time standing there taking time to choose it
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    New Fish

    Yes, I wanted to know how to shop for a nice bettta, cause I dunno how to pick them. and wondering if delta or crown is better for living alone
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    New Fish

    I think they are delta but their tail are so messed up, it wouldnt go up
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    New Fish

    I got 99 cent store fishes , now I'm planning on getting a better fish because they end up dieing
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    New Fish

    Getting a new fish and I was wondering which one might be more active and healthier, I also need some tips on how to choose a healthy betta fish. Thanks
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    Swimming Bladder

    Help my fish is having swimming bladder problem, how do I cure it
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    New Crowntail Betta ^.^

    Nice where you get it at?
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    Swimming Bladder

    How do I fix swimming bladder, my better is tail standing and poepel said it was bladder problem
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    How do you have a female get eggs and actually lay them out? I'm really into collecting bettas now and I really hope I can learn this
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    Heads Flooting Up?!

    I think its over =[ This is the 2nd fish that happened like this
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    Heads Flooting Up?!

    Help me please I'm trying to collect fish but this is my 2nd betta that his head keeps flaoting up and not doing anything
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    Should my water just be plain faucet water or should it be cir tin type of water that I need to make it healthy