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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. tahneen

    We Need More Pets!

  2. tahneen

    Please Submit Your Photos ...

    heres a good one!
  3. tahneen

    I Was Robbed And Beaten Last Night

    lol, pit bull bullmastiff is the way to go, they were bread to tackle poachers and pin them till someone go there
  4. tahneen

    I Was Robbed And Beaten Last Night

    thats why you get a big dog and train in shutzhund, they sure won't get away when theres a 80-125lbs dog pinning them down also just having a big dog can prevent these as criminals like to think they are smart and try to go for weak or easy targets so a big intimidating dog will often help a...
  5. tahneen

    Best Colors I've Seen In Walmart

    have you ever been to the americas? are you just generalizing north america or specifically the US being from canada I get pretty ticked when people generalize us all the same and bash us I have had it happen to me by many british so please be clear I can't see the pics but it's likely the...
  6. tahneen

    I Was Robbed And Beaten Last Night

    good god, that is just crazy if they get caught they will be screwed, assualt with a weapon, house invasion, destruction of property I hope they catch them are you in the UK, if so I would go and get some self defense classes, can help a lot for peace of mind after an attack like that if in...
  7. tahneen

    Fighting A Loosing Battle?

    get a small powerhead to stir up the dirt so the filters can pick it up, also if you can, trumpet snails are known to be good for eating the crap in the sand and what not
  8. tahneen

    Why Does My Lfs Do This?

    5 gallon minimum IMO 10g is better
  9. tahneen

    Why Does My Lfs Do This?

    when I worked at my LFS we kept a lot of our bettas in little bowls but changed the water every 2 days and they always showed great color, now I did try to convince them to put them in the tanks but that was a no go, until we had a shipment of hamster balls come in that was smashed and she took...
  10. tahneen

    Today I Went To My Lfs And Bought............

    today at my LFS I bought bloodworms and silver sides and my fish loved em'
  11. tahneen

    Kids Want A Rabbit...

    rats didn't carry black death, they just had fleas that carried it lol but yes rabbits do make good pets but I always warn people that they aren't the best pets for kids have you seen degus?
  12. tahneen

    What's Eaiser To Care For: Reptiles Or Fish

    put em in your fridge I personally like supers more as they do not need to be in the fridge like mealworms which will pupate when kept out and supers can be gutloaded which is more important not to mention the meat to shell ratio which is what you really want to make a gecko happy
  13. tahneen

    What's Eaiser To Care For: Reptiles Or Fish

    I breed leopards and I love em,just do your research and you will be fine, I do find that males make better pets but you can't house more than one male per tank have you looked at african fat tails? they have the same care as leos just make sure they have a humid hide and some won't eat crix...
  14. tahneen

    Voting For July 2010 Potm Competition

    all conures have a white ring around their eyes
  15. tahneen

    What's Eaiser To Care For: Reptiles Or Fish

    you dont need to use crickets you can use, meal worms, super worms, feeder roaches, crickets with one or two geckos it wont be very pricey with only about 10 crix a day each give or take or 2-4 supers a day but if you get a bearded dragon they can go through hundreds a week especially babies...
  16. tahneen

    Kittens :-)

    yay!, rats make awesome pets, get them a nice big cage with lots of toys and play with them a lot at an early age and you will have dog like little companions!
  17. tahneen

    My Puppy Dogs!

    here are my two pups, the white one is Diesel he is a boxer x jack russel mix and Snoopy is a Beagle x Rat terrier
  18. tahneen

    Nominations For August 2010 Potm Competition! did not realize thanks though!
  19. tahneen

    What's Eaiser To Care For: Reptiles Or Fish

    I don't want to offend you but keeping tortoises is not very easy to care for if you are doing it right you almost always have to build a custom enclosure as they can not live in fish tanks they require a pen sort of thing called a tortoise table, they need a special type of uv light or else...
  20. tahneen

    Nominations For August 2010 Potm Competition

    well I was nominated so here it is!
  21. tahneen

    Best White Spot Treatment

    raise your temp and add some aquarium salt
  22. tahneen

    Kids Want A Rabbit...

    rabbits make great pets but I think that for kids they aren't the best most rabbits get stressed easily and usually don't like be picked up and if dropped can lead to broken bones even from short distance, also your kids will likely want to have them out a lot and you likely know they poop every...
  23. tahneen

    My Musk Turtle Aquarium Pics

    I love musk turtles!, make sure you have a good uv light I also highly recommend getting some bog wood and use it as a bit of "ladder" for him to get to the surface by just walking up, it will also give him a chance to rest with his head above water which IMO these guys need, because everyone...
  24. tahneen

    A Few Of My Reptiles Duw!

    here are some more enjoy!
  25. tahneen

    Finally Got Some Dats!

    Well I finally got three little indo dats! they have been in the tank for about an hour and 2 of them are completely stable and exploring their home two of them look like wide bar wannabes and another has some awesome stripes! and they are eating bloodworms already I love em and if I get a bit...
  26. tahneen

    Relax...and Put Your Feet In Your Fish Tank?

    can you get canidru? especially the giant ones, apparently they put piranhas to shame!
  27. tahneen

    A Few Of My Reptiles Duw!

    leopard geckos/fat tailed geckos, monitors, and tegus beardies are just in it for the food lol
  28. tahneen

    A Few Of My Reptiles Duw!

    beardies are awesome I didn't like them until I got one and they have grown on me ever since, I got my first one just because it looked pretty and was on sale and the one pictures was a rescue they have great personalities, my rescue guy is a loveable lump and the other one is a hyper little...
  29. tahneen

    From Brackish To Fresh

    well whatever they are Im getting them they are only 12 bucks!!! :hyper:
  30. tahneen

    A Few Of My Reptiles Duw!

    well here are just a few of my zoo
  31. tahneen

    From Brackish To Fresh

    Well i finally found so dats, I think they are IT but Im not really sure until i pick them up, but what I am going to ask is how can I convert them from brackish to fresh water, I always thought they were a fresh water fish for the most part and only really know of people keeping them in fresh...
  32. tahneen

    What's The Biggest Mistake You've Ever Made In The Aquarium Ho

    It liekly starts with adding too many fish to an uncycled tank, putting goldfish in a 10 gallon, not doing water changes fish jumping out one time my old reedfish jumped and I found him a day later still alive and put him in and he was fine other than being a little torn up on the fins but...
  33. tahneen

    Im Back!

    Well I have been out of the fish keeping scene for a while and I have somehow drifted back in lol I shifted my fish friends to reptile friends about two years ago and now breed leopard geckos and fat tailed geckos and have dozens of scaly pets and a quaker parrot! but lately its been too much...
  34. tahneen

    How Many People

    3 leopard geckos 3 fat tail geckos 1 veiled chameleon 1 ackie 1 yellow throated plated lizard 1 crested gecko 1 prehensile tail skink 1 bearded dragon
  35. tahneen

    Back From The Dead

    Hi guys, I hope some of you remember me as i remember some of you guys so for a while I have shifted to reptiles but my fish never left and I did lurk the forums from time to time but nothing much has happened while I was gone I started breeding geckos and got a chameleon so Ive been busy but...
  36. tahneen

    Severum Appreciation Society

    thats hilarious and my little guy has grown a quarter of an inch in about a week and has filled out more
  37. tahneen

    Severum Appreciation Society

    they're all fake so no worries there but the little guy has a fettish for my bog wood
  38. tahneen

    Severum Appreciation Society

    heres the new sev I got about 1 inch he or she is just awesome!!!
  39. tahneen

    Video Video Of My Fish, Herps, Neeses And Nefus

    hope you like
  40. tahneen

    Severum Appreciation Society

    hey guys today I got rid of my yellow lab and pictus cat and went to the pet store and saw a tank full of skinny sev babies so I bought one and now I have this baby sev that is awesome he looked very eager and hunger so I dropped a pellet in and he went staright for it and has been snacking on...