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  1. C

    Good Beginer Cichlids?

    While they're not new world cichlids, kribs are fabulous fish. Colour, personality and easy to breed. They're also peaceful enough.
  2. C

    What Cichlid

    I would say a pair of convicts or firemouths would look nice. =]
  3. C

    Tankmates For Dwarf Gourami

    Or sidthimunki loaches, for that matter. =] They only get to, what, 2 inches max? I would personally go for a trio of badis - they are amazing fish! They're from the same region, have great personalities and are genreally quite peaceful.
  4. C

    Hardy Gouramis Except Banded Gouramis

    Pity, banded gouramis are my favourite species! You could try pearls, moonlights or three spots. Male threes spots are a tad aggressive to other three spots, but the females are fine. :)