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    Does Anyone Have Experience With Dead Coral?

    I have the remaining live fish in a small clean tank and everything that was in the big tank has been boiled and is sitting there empty until I see if everyone else is going to live or die.I am using RO water which has a ph level of 7.1 with no chemicals in the water. I went to the hardware...
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    Does Anyone Have Experience With Dead Coral?

    Thanks for the reply Fishkies I had done all kinds of testing of my water, did not see any drastic or even moderate changes in my water condition because of the coral. I guess it must have been the sharks with some kind of sickness then. I have boiled everything so I will try to put the tank...
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    Does Anyone Have Experience With Dead Coral?

    I am using 3 pieces of dead coral for decoration in my tank as well as a hidey hole for my pleco. I got a couple sharks that I threw into the tank at the same time as I put the coral in. Something is not good. My sharks died as well as a couple of corrys :( I had taken a couple pictures of...
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    That Is Really A _____mus

    Thanks for the confirmation. And more thanks for the resizing info.. I did not know that so that was why I created the link rather than gutting out the forum with oversize pics Will take your advice from now on! Have a good one
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    That Is Really A _____mus

    Good day I was sold this pleco as a bristle nose, a friend came over and told me it was a rhino. I have been searching and methinks it is a common. Want to have a go at it? Thanks in advance
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    My Last What Is It Post! :)

    Thanks much Straydum, I seen some really nice silica sand the other day that I thought would look great in my tank so I guess I will go get some now. I seem to be collecting fish with barbels (Catfish shark, plecostomus, corys) etc so the sand will benefit most of the tank. thanks everyone for...
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    My Last What Is It Post! :)

    Thank you all for the name! @bozza, what would be the best for them? Now that I know the name I will check the net to see what I can learn about them, but I appreciate all tips about care Have a good one
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    My Last What Is It Post! :)

    I have been buying my fish from a Home Hardware in Canada and they have no idea what they are selling and I have no idea what I am buying so once again, can someone please identify these little guys for me.
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    Need Help Identifying These Fish

    Thanks all for the names and the tips Have a great one
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    Need Help Identifying These Fish

    Good day everyone I am posting this here because of the whiskers that look somewhat like a catfish I bought these fish today and was told they were black tip sharks. I did a search and black tip sharks look nothing like the fish I have If anyone could please let me know what they are I would...
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    Does The Bristle Nose Like To Have Buddies?

    Thank you very much everyone for your thoughts. I was really just hoping that with another one there might be a bit more interaction and possibly be able to see them without having to hunt in all the dark corners! I will keep my eyes out for a female, but it is nice to know that I am not...
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    Does The Bristle Nose Like To Have Buddies?

    Good day I have searched the net and have not been able to find out very much good info on my bristle nose. I just want to know if they are very sociable and if I should get him a buddy. Are they into any buddy or does it have to be the opposite sex? Thanks much for your time and thoughts...