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  1. matt121073

    Too Much It Possible?

    well i hope you cant over filter i have a fluval 302 and 303 externals ( which i would not give a thank you for) and a rena xp2 in a 200 litre set up, all in all my tank water is filtered roughly 8 times an hour. my water is crystal clear but that could be the 50% water change i do weekly oh...
  2. matt121073

    Diy Breeding Tank

    i will get some pics give me a day or 2 busy with work and lookig after the my new extended family lol
  3. matt121073

    Diy Breeding Tank

    i have slowed the filter down to a very low outut and they seem to hold there own i also added some bog wood from the tank for shelter seems to be working just fine just ordered a brine shrimp achery so fingers crossed i can safe a few to grow on i love rams and just so happy they are breeding...
  4. matt121073

    Diy Breeding Tank

    after i lost my first batch of ram fry i decided to set up a holding tank as cheap as possible due to xmas looming. so this is what i did i bought a plastic 20 litre tank from wilkinsons i then bought a water but pipe that screws into down pipes to collect the water firstly i drilled the tank...
  5. matt121073

    Bolivian Rams

    up date!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The fry are now free swimming so i have put them into a holding net, cant believe we got this far with the first batch of eggs the parents have been great. I felt a little quilty removing the fry from there care
  6. matt121073

    Bolivian Rams

    well i cant believe it i bought 4 bolivian rams last week and today two of them are guarding eggs. As any 1 got experience of raising these fry? Cheers Mat
  7. matt121073

    Huge 900g Tank Project

    wow that tank is awsome i love it great project wishi had the room! Maybe i can sell some kids mmmmm
  8. matt121073

    Need Advice About Pump + Lighting

    hi not sure what filter you got there but oxegen is added to water by the water movement in the upper levels and not by adding air bubbles to the tank although a stream of bubles will ripple the water which adds to water movement. your light goes on in the day for aprox 8 hours and off at night...
  9. matt121073

    My Diy Stand

    wow great discus tank it looks awsome and fish look great
  10. matt121073

    Pics Of My Tank

    yes there are a pair of rainbow fish in there not sure on what type they came with the tank but i do love them.
  11. matt121073

    Pics Of My Tank

    our lfs has hundreds of them they are happy to get rid i think
  12. matt121073

    Pics Of My Tank

    they are moss balls i get mine from ebay
  13. matt121073

    Some Of My Fish

    great pics nice bn
  14. matt121073

    Pics Of My Tank

    i know the feeling wife 4 kids and xmas 2 mins away so there goes my idea of co2 for a while :angry:
  15. matt121073

    Pics Of My Tank

    its a cannon 350d slr but its wasted on me to many buttons and i have no idea what they do lol but it was free so happy days
  16. fish_tank_036.jpg


  17. matt121073

    Pics Of My Tank

    Yes me 2 they are such posers lol
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  21. matt121073

    Pics Of My Tank

    well you could tell me more than i know i expect i go to the lfs and pick hardy fast growing and take my chances and it as worked up till now i use iron root tabs in the sand substrate i use multi ferts i got 2 wpg lighting left on for 9 hours. the tank is filtered with 2 fluval 305 eternal...
  22. matt121073

    Pics Of My Tank

    No not at all they are great if not bloody expensive they just swim about together dont bother any other fish i love them there great and so undemanding
  23. matt121073

    Pics Of My Tank

    wow it worked lol here is a few more
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  26. matt121073

    Pics Of My Tank

    Hope this works if it does this a pic of my 210 litre tank i set up 2 months ago looking to use co2 shortly to to reduce algae and increase plant growth
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  28. matt121073

    Nitrate Question

    Hi my nitrates are at 10% i do 2 water changes a week 20% wednesdays and 30% on sundays it keeps the water crystal clear and the fish look so healthy. I also over filter with two fluval 304 externals. hope this helps