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    Clown Loach Emergancy!

    Correction my tap water ammonia levels are 0.4 mg/l ! How can i win if my tap water ammonia readings are that high?
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    Clown Loach Emergancy!

    Ok my tap water ammonia levels are 0.1 mg/l
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    Clown Loach Emergancy!

    Hi No i dont have any bogwood , my tap PH is 7.5 so im scratching my head as to why the ph is dropping , i will test the ammonia in my tap water now , il post back asap I only have fake plants and a couple of rocks and a ship wreck ornament
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    Clown Loach Emergancy!

    Hi One of my clown loaches has been very still in the corner of mt tank for a few days , i have now noticed 2 white patches now on his middle region and his top fin looks abit tatty and im not sure why? I have had water problems of late due to my filter bacteria being wiped out and so im...
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    Re Cycling Filter Help

    Ah i see , thats clears those issues up for me Many thanks
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    Huge Huntsman Trying To Get My Fish!

    OMG im from the UK and that to me is frightening , i cant imagine a spider anything that size in my house. As soon as i read this post i called my wife in the room to show her! The hairs on my back are standing on end !
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    Re Cycling Filter Help

    Hi Does anyone know if the filter start will work if im using prime at the same time ? i did hear someone on the forum saying they were incompatible
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    Re Cycling Filter Help

    Thanks for reply's Is it true that when using prime my amm/nitrite/nitrate test kit will not show accurate readings from tank water ? I use a liquid test kit by interpet Also are these "bacteria" in a bottle products any good for helping the cycling process ? I live in the UK
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    Re Cycling Filter Help

    Hi Im currently in the process of having to recycle my tank with fish stocked. I cant decide between using prime to convert the ammonia and doing a 25% weekly water change or doing daily 10% water changes with no prime to keep the ammonia down I would really appreciate your advice Thanks
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    P.h / Cycling Problems

    Thanks for the advice , maybe il stop using prime and instead do a daily water change, i live in the UK but i heard that the equivelent to bio spira is called Soll bactinettes. Does anyone have any experience with this ?
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    Strange Clown Loach

    Hi Oh thats a relief , many thanks for posting
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    Strange Clown Loach

    Hi I have 2 Clown loaches One has been acting strangely for the last 2 months. He or She ( not sure which ) likes to lie on its side or upside down inside a rock cave, he dosent seem ill or have any visual marks on him and eats normally and swims normally outside the cave Any ideas ? thanks
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    Ph Problem

    Hi To be honest im fairly new to fish keeping , i have the means to test Broad range PH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate Im not really sure what KH is.
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    Ph Problem

    Hi My PH has gone from 7.5 to 5.5 recently , i have a 125 ltr tank that is in the process of being recycled as my friend washed my filter in tap water when i was on holiday . My fish seem to be ok, but the low PH is a worry. 5 Neon tetras 5 Yellow talied guppys 5 Red Platties 1 Red Sailfin...
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    P.h / Cycling Problems

    Hi Ok il do what you suggest , thanks for taking the time to post :good:
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    P.h / Cycling Problems

    Hi thanks for the reply, my fish seem to be fine, so you reckon its better not to do daily water changes ? i do have some prime so maybe il lay off the daily water changes and just do a weekly water change and use prime . I heard that prime only lasts in a tank for 24 hours. so i guess il have...
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    P.h / Cycling Problems

    Hi Im currently in the process or trying to re cycle my 120 ltr tank after my friend decided it would be helpful to clean my filter out using tap water whilst i was on holiday ! I have been trying to cycle for 2 weeks now and not much success , my PH has also dropped from 7.5 to 5.5. Here...
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    Clown Loach Best Food ?

    Great thanks for your replys
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    Cycling Problems Due To Powercut !

    ok thanks for your help
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    Clown Loach Best Food ?

    Hi Just interested to know what the best food is for clown loaches ?
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    Cycling Problems Due To Powercut !

    thanks fo the info The cowns at the mo are about 2" long but i will be upgrading tank size to a much bigger tank in next couple of months. So you think the fish will be ok in those readings ?
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    Cycling Problems Due To Powercut !

    Hi Ive been away for two weeks on holiday and returned yesterday to be told that my electric tripped for 4 days so my filter stopped for that period. I tested the water these are my readings. Ammonia : 0.4mg/l Nitrite: 0.1mg/l Nitrate: zero My tank was cycled nicely before but now im left...