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  1. R

    My 23 Gallon, First Ever Planted Tank Attempt (updated Pics 27-august-

    Crikey ... it's been a fair while since I updated. Well I've not updated my thread at all actually :blush: Last night I took some pictures of my tank to update this thread. So 1 whole year later and things have actually changed :good: Not only is there less fish, but there's more algae...
  2. R

    Platty 'diseased' ?

    Hi there, I bought 7 platties over the weekend (2 males, 5 females). 6 of them are in really good condition but one of my females doesn't look all that great in comparrison with the others. It's belly/stomach is kinda concaved a bit, not big and plump like the others are, and it seems to...
  3. R

    I Just Can't Do Plants !

    Thanks for the help. I've found some pretty good info about adding ferts that I'll read through and try and get to grips with them as that seems to be my downfall. I'll try increasing my lighting, but I'm worried about having another outbreak of hair alge...
  4. R

    I Just Can't Do Plants !

    Thanks for the quick reply ShoC, I'll try and answer some of your questions. are you adding Ferts? Dry or liquid? - no, I'm currently not, but I do however have a bottle of Sechem Flourish Excel that I was given from my uncle, I've yet to use this as I was thinking that adding ferts would...
  5. R

    I Just Can't Do Plants !

    I'm even killing my java moss - surely I'm the only one able to do that! :mad: Everywhere I read it always says something along the lines of "Oh Java moss, that grows like a weed, you can grow it in pretty much most temperatures, most lighting, people even grow it in caves. Well I can't...
  6. R

    Arrrgghhh !

    Morning, Right, I'm getting really really annoyed with my plants at the moment. I'm very close to jacking this whole thing in as it's driving me around the bend !! The only reason why I've not is that I've spent to much money to just walk away, but I'm seriously considering it. I'm not...
  7. R

    Co2 Diffusers, And The Nutrafin Nat Co2 System

    I've only got a fluval 4 internal filter. As far as I'm aware it doesn't have an 'inlet', it just draws the water through the sides and blasts it out the front. It DOES however have something called a venturi connector. It's like a little adaptor that you push into the outlet, connect a small...
  8. R

    Co2 Diffusers, And The Nutrafin Nat Co2 System

    Tick tock, Tick tock. C'mon then what's the score? I'm itching to find out, need to order one off e-bay before I leave work for the day :) If it does work then if you could let me know the name of the one that you're using then that'll be tops. You say that you know that it works with...
  9. R

    5 X Amazon Swords

    That's quite ok, not a problem. I'd prefer them to go to someone who would apprichiate them and acutally use them, they were way to big for my tank. Don't know if you'll be able to get any mileage out of any of the other random stuff that was included, maybe you'll be able to get something...
  10. R

    Co2 Diffusers, And The Nutrafin Nat Co2 System

    Just questioning the ideal 'ladder' position for the Nutrafin Nat Co2 System. I've got one, and it's up and running A-ok (using the sachets that came with the product as they sent me 2 packs for free), but I just want to check that I'm getting the optimum performance from it. I get bubbles...
  11. R

    Nutrafin Co2 Basic User Guide

    Just questioning the ideal position for one of these bad-boys. I've got one, and it's up and running A-ok (using the sachets that came with the product as they sent me 2 packs for free), but I just want to check that I'm getting the optimum performance from it. I get bubbles coming from it...
  12. R

    My 23 Gallon, First Ever Planted Tank Attempt (updated Pics 27-august-

    Right, after a lot of reading of various sites I've decided to take the plunge and try and get something resembling a planted tank up and running. I actually started this on Saturday just gone (23rd June 07), but after intruption after intruption I think that I got something that I was...
  13. R

    5 X Amazon Swords

    GONE NOW !! Thanks
  14. R

    5 X Amazon Swords

    Free to a good home if anyone wants them :good: My Mrs ordered some plants from Java the other day, and they arrived yesterday. These bad-boys are far too big for my tank (mine is only a wee 15" high and these are about this tall already without any growing) so they are not going to be used...
  15. R

    Water Changes

    Right, really really daft question time (mods please feel free to delete this thread once it's been answered as the less people who know what a numpty I am the better) Water Changes. In the majority of posts on here, people always state things like "do a 50% water change weekly" or "do a 25%...
  16. R


    Thanks everyone !! A long pair of tweezers it is then. Luckily for me my big sister is a doctor at Addenbrooks Hospital so after a quick phone call to her she's stopping by mine on the way home with a selection of 'long' tweezers for me to pick out what I want. :good:
  17. R


    Metal ones? I was thinking about getting some, but I wasn't sure if they'd damage the plants too much as they are usually quite pointed and knowing me I'd grab them too hard. I was thinking about using a set of 'training' chop-sticks - you know the ones that are joined together at the top...
  18. R


    Right, time to swallow my pride and ask probably one of the most dumbest questions that you guys are going to be asked in a while :blush: Planing the plants themselves. Simple enough yeah? I get all set, plants ready for where I want them, and 'in I go'. My fingers instantly feel like...
  19. R

    I'm Taking The Plunge !

    Ohh I have thought about it alot and for once done my homework. My only concern now is getting these ideas that are bouncing around my head into something that's acually worthwile.
  20. R

    I'm Taking The Plunge !

    Hi everyone. Long time lurker, first time poster here :good: Right, here's the score ...... After reading these threads, looking at the DIY projects detailed here I've caught the bug again, and decided to go for it. I got my tank down from the loft a couple of weeks ago, and slowly started...