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  1. F

    Feeding Treats For Goldfish?

    Hi All, Another question for the experts.... Have 4 young lionhead goldfish.....should i feed them a variety of things apart from dried flakes? I was thinking deskinned peas and blanched lettuce? Is this recommended and if so, how often should they get treats like this? Is there anything...
  2. F

    New Fish Hiding Behind Rocks/wood

    Excellent! Thank for for that advice.
  3. F

    New Fish Hiding Behind Rocks/wood

    Hi All, How long does it normally take for new lionhead goldfish to get used to a tank and people? Just bought them a few hours ago and the 4 of them are huddling together around the back of the tank behind the aquarium structures. In the shop the 4 of them were in one tank swimming around...