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  1. takesomeadvil

    Snails :o

    yeahh i thought about that after I posted it. haha. I've been throwing them away in my trash can :)
  2. takesomeadvil

    Snails :o

    oh wow.. i was actually being serious, but thanks for warning me. in that case, i'll definately flush them :) i just went through and picked out about 6 of them that i could find. i know for a fact there are 11 visible ones because my fiancee counted them last night.. my guppies are looking at...
  3. takesomeadvil

    Snails :o

    alrighty, cool. thanks everyone :)
  4. takesomeadvil

    Snails :o

    so..put the lettuce in the tank? doesn't lettuce float?
  5. takesomeadvil

    Snails :o

    hmm.. maybe i'll hand pick the big ones out and vacuum the rest.. idk.. my tank is due for a water change.. i live on a lake..maybe i'll just throw them all out one is cute. 34 are not.
  6. takesomeadvil

    Snails :o

    Soooo thanks everyone for helping me with my tank a few months ago. Everything is going wonderful now. I actually bought two new fish about 2 months ago.. and what I thought was a tiny rock in the bag was actually a snail..and somehow it got into the tank.. Those 2 months went by and I totally...
  7. takesomeadvil

    Freshwater Aquarium Help

    what exactly is a dyed fish?
  8. takesomeadvil

    Freshwater Aquarium Help

    Tomorrow I am going to invest in a master-test kit for my water. All of my mickey mouse fish are gone..the last one passed away the night before last.. so that's 4 fish in two days.. but fortunately, the neons are acting MUCH happier with the water change, the ammonia clear, and the addition of...
  9. takesomeadvil

    Freshwater Aquarium Help

    they are called "ammonia clear" and they sort of look like alka-seltzer..and act like it too.. it recommends a 25% water change, add the tank buddy, and use strong areation for a min of an hour.. and it says for high levels of ammonia to double the dosage.. but i just put one in to be on the...
  10. takesomeadvil

    Freshwater Aquarium Help

    i wound up taking my water to the store and the guy said my ammonia was a 3.0 and the nitrite was a 4.0 and the nitrate was very low.. i forgot which number he said (i should have written it down).. i don't really know what those numbers mean or if they're right but.. he said he's kind of...
  11. takesomeadvil

    Freshwater Aquarium Help

    ohh no, it doesn't look like any of those. it's a little black sucker with brownish spots.. his mouth looks like a siphon. lol. he's very cute. his name is charlie. lol.
  12. takesomeadvil

    Freshwater Aquarium Help

    alrighty. i'm sure the suckerfish is gonna love me after tomorrow, lol.
  13. takesomeadvil

    Freshwater Aquarium Help

    How much gravel do you think would make a difference? like a hand ful, or a bowl full or a couple of pieces? (sorry i keep askin a gazillion questions. lol.)
  14. takesomeadvil

    Freshwater Aquarium Help

    well i'll buy a test kid tomorrow then, and i'll see if my fiance's mom would like to hand over some bacteria-filled gravel (yum).. and whenever i test the water, i'll be sure to write everything down the last of the mick was just swimming around , and now she's hanging out on the bottom...
  15. takesomeadvil

    Freshwater Aquarium Help

    alrighty, I just did a 50% water change tonight, so when would you recommend another? and she's had the 50g for awhile (about 20 years) so lets hope it has cycled by now. lol.
  16. takesomeadvil

    Freshwater Aquarium Help

    No, I didn't take any water from the org. tank.. and my thermometer reads about 79-80ish degrees (I really appreciate everyone's help, thankyou.)
  17. takesomeadvil

    Freshwater Aquarium Help

    Yeah, we don't really have too much space, and my fiance actually talked me out of a goldfish in a bowl, and talked me into getting a little bigger of a tank and some different fish..and I don't regret doing it, but now I wish I would have researched a little more. It was sort of a spontaneous...
  18. takesomeadvil

    Freshwater Aquarium Help

    Do you have areation in the tank? No, I actually don't even know what that is? I have a filter..? Do you have a heater? If so what temp is your tank at? No, I don't have a heater And this is what I know as of this moment: Tank size: 10g pH: 7.4 ammonia: nitrite: nitrate: kH: gH: tank temp...
  19. takesomeadvil

    Freshwater Aquarium Help

    Oh thats stinky That box lied. lol. The people at the pet store sold me a container of bacteria.. and told me to add some according to my tank size (it's just a 10 gallon tank).. I'm not actually too sure which chemicals to be aware of.. I know it's bad if the ammonia levels are too high..and...
  20. takesomeadvil

    Freshwater Aquarium Help

    yep, I cycled the tank for 24 hours. I followed the directions directly from the box, adding the conditioner and washing the gravel with warm water, washing the decorations, letting the tank do it's thing.. I remember the pH being 7.4 The Neons, the dawrf frog, and the suckerfish are as happy...
  21. takesomeadvil

    Freshwater Aquarium Help

    Hello, I actually just posted this on another board, but I'm thinking I'd find more help over here. I'm new to the fish-world, and recently, I started a freshwater tank (about 6-7 weeks ago). I had 4 Neons, a dwarf frog, a suckerfish, two full-grown "mickey mouse fish" and 2 baby mickey mouse...
  22. takesomeadvil

    Freshwater Aquarium Help

    Hey, I'm new to the fish-world, and recently, I started a freshwater tank (about 6-7 weeks ago). I had 4 Neons, a dwarf frog, a suckerfish, two full-grown "mickey mouse fish" and 2 baby mickey mouse fish. The MickeyMouse fish were transferred from an older tank to my new tank about a week or two...