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  1. catf1shcat


    Thanx everyone :hyper:
  2. catf1shcat


    awwwww luvlee puss's, i luv cats, ive got 5, three of which are kittens,they're only 5 weeks old, their mother isnt yet one either, so i guess shes still classed as a kitt too. picture isnt too good, but this is Blinky, hes about 4 years old Brandy and the babies, she looks so fed up, luv...
  3. 3_babies.jpg


  4. brandy_fedup_an_feeding.jpg


  5. blinky.jpg


  6. catf1shcat

    Fish Books

    cheers guys, ill look into them
  7. catf1shcat

    Fish Books

    I wouldnt exactly say i was a newcomer to tropical fish, its just been a fair few years since ive had them. I recently got a new tank for my daughter and have stocked it up,(they're all there on my profile). I used to have an amazing book of which i cant remember the name of :blush: and gave...
  8. catf1shcat

    Please Help Identify This Fish

    hi there, that fishy would be a siamese fighter, whatever you do, dont put another in the tank with him because theyll fight it out to the death, hope that helps :rolleyes:
  9. catf1shcat


    Hi all, just having a nosey, trying to find some information on the best trop books to get, so if anyones got any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated :rolleyes: