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  1. F

    Cat Brought Me A Fish. What Do You Think It Is?

    Thanks so much for the replies. I checked the fish and it doesnt have any barbels / whiskers around its mouth so i guess it must be a goldfish? In my house I have a spare bathroom thats not being used so for now the bath is its new home. I cant see any ponds nearby so totally stumped as to...
  2. F

    Where Can I Find A Nice Fish Tank?

    Thanks for the reply. I am from the United Kingdom :). I was thinking of around £1000. Can you recommend anywhere?
  3. F

    Where Can I Find A Nice Fish Tank?

    Hey I am after a nice fish tank that will hold between 50 - 100 gallons of water. But all the fish tanks I have seen come in horrible tacky cabinets. Does anyone know where I can find a tank in a really nice quality wood cabinet? Best Regards Mark
  4. F

    Cat Brought Me A Fish. What Do You Think It Is?

    Hey This morning my cat dropped a fish on the floor of my lounge. Amazingly it was still alive and not hurt in anyway. I quickly put it in a big bowl of water. I have not owned fish before and am not sure what it is or how to feed it. Some images of the fish are...
  5. F

    Cat Brought Me A Fish. What Do You Think It Is?

    Hey This morning my cat dropped a fish on the floor of my lounge. Amazingly it was still alive and not hurt in anyway. I quickly put it in a big bowl of water. I have not owned fish before and am not sure what it is or how to feed it. Some images of the fish are...
  6. F

    Tropical Sharks

    Thanks I thought this maybe the case. Shame would have been nice to have some sharks swimming about.
  7. F

    Tropical Sharks

    Thanks for your reply I have looked at photos of these fish and they dont seem to look like sharks. I dont know if its possible but its to be part of an office so really fancied getting some fish that would really standout. And what better than a shark :P
  8. F

    Tropical Sharks

    Hi I am clueless about keeping fish but interested in getting a pretty large tank to keep some interesting species inside. Is it possible to get any specifics of sharks that look like sharks, but obviously very small in size. Thanks Mark