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  1. M

    What Breed Cichlids Are These?

    I think your right. thanks again.
  2. M

    What Breed Cichlids Are These?

    Thanks everyone for the responses! I thought that the second fish was a Johannii, but all the breaks in his horizontal stripes made me think he was not. With most of the Johannii pics i've seen, the top stripe barely has any full breaks in it. But all the other features are the same. U guys...
  3. M

    What Breed Cichlids Are These?

    Hey everyone, Haven't visited the boards in awhile. Hoping someone or several of you could help me. Got bored with tetras and set up my Malawi tank last April. The first 2 cichlids I bought are probably my best looking fish in the tank. The problem is...I have no idea what they are. As I...
  4. M

    Oh No! Sick?

    no red tinging around the spot. it actually appears smaller today but is still very noticeable.
  5. M

    Oh No! Sick?

    Hi all, Haven't stopped by in awhile. But I've come back to get advice from the best, as you all have helped me many times before. I noticed a white spot on my Bumblebee Chiclid today. Its located under his chin. Those of you who have or have owned a Bumblebee (Hornet) know that it changes...
  6. M

    Hi Everyone

    Hi and welcome to the forum!
  7. M

    Snails And Cichlids

    Hey everybody! So far - knock on wood - i've been sucessful with my Maliwi tank for about 6 months now. And I have to thank the knowledge of this forum. Thank you all. Great posts and replys. Looking for some help with this. Would it be OK to add some snails to the tank. I've read posts...
  8. M

    Cichlid Help For A Newbie

    Hi All! Just purchased a Pseudotropheus socolofi (Powder Blue, Pindani) from the LFS. At least that was the labeling on the tank. But now that I am surfing the internet for info on this fish, it looks more like a Melanochromis johannii or possibly a Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos (Maingano) with...