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  1. C

    New To Hobby And Outlook Is Not Great... Help

    I am cycling with fish... i have had fish in since sunday. I am using quick dip ammonia test strips. The danios are doing great and dont seem to show any effects from the ammonia levels so i am assuming that the bacteria will take a while to catch up. but is there anything i can add to speed...
  2. C

    New To Hobby And Outlook Is Not Great... Help

    Ok my 2 danios are looking good... I did a 10% water change and now I am getting a ammonia reading of 3ppm. Why the sudden jump? I add water conditioner and some bacteria supplement when I did the water change? Am i over stocking or is something else going on?
  3. C

    New To Hobby And Outlook Is Not Great... Help

    Ok... i got my levels tested and amonia was 0 as well as nitrate. When i did a water change my levels jumped... is that normal and will they go back down? Also, i noticed at night that they lay on the bottom or close to it and dont move much... is this a sign of being sick or are they just...
  4. C

    New To Hobby And Outlook Is Not Great... Help

    Thanks for the insight... Also, when i turn the light off at night the fish go ballistic... why is this?
  5. C

    New To Hobby And Outlook Is Not Great... Help

    I am setting out to get some rainbow sharks soon. So i got a 30 gal tank and set it up. Went out and got 2 danios and 2 tiger barbs to start cycling the tank... 2 days after 1 of my tiger barbs has died!!!! What could be the reason? My levels are in the safe zones and the temperature is 78...