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  1. J

    Female Swordtail Is Now A Male! 3 Males 1 Female Advice!

    Hi, bought some swordtails about a month ago..the fish store said i could have 2 males and 2 females. Thought it was a bit weird because they are livebearers but i went with it anyway. Now one of the females is a male!   Could i get 3 more females to even it out, get rid of the agression and...
  2. J

    Advice On Tropical Tank

    omg :hyper: that is so wierd, im 16 as well and have a 15g tank and cycling to, when it has finished im thinking of puttin a few cherry barbs in then tetras then the gouramis, good luck with the stocking! :good:
  3. J

    Beginner Needs Help - 5 Gallon Aquarium

    my tank is 3g and i have 2 guppies so i think you could have a few platys but they have LOADS of ammonia waste and you will have to change water ever other day, minnows might be a good idea
  4. J

    Female Bettas And Possible Tankmates

    i think with female bettas there peaceful so you could keep anything with a female but no gouramis cos they might fight, its the male bettas you need to be careful about
  5. J

    Newbie, What Fish After Cycling ?

    i tried out with guppies but they soon died out so a small shoal of cardinal tetras(depending on the size of the tank) but i would do 25% water changes every 3 days to lower the nitrate and nitrite, unfortunatly i didnt relise this untill all my fish had died lol
  6. J

    Sparkling Gourami And Betta?

    :unsure: is it possible to put 3 or 4 sparkling gouramis witha a male betta, ruby and cherry barbs and cardinals?? thanks :good:
  7. J

    Shaoling Fish And Male Bettas?

    im soon going to get some new fish (60l tank) im thinking of a male betta but im not sure what other fish to go with it im really looking for shoaling fish like tetras or barbs, what barbs or tetras would you recommend :good:
  8. J


    can i mix different tetras together like 1 neon,1 black neon and 2 glowlight or should i just stick with one type :unsure:
  9. J

    What Fish Do You Recommend?

    I have a 2.5g tank, i mainly want tropical, colourful and easy to care for but i am unsure of what fish to put in and if they will bond well. can you advise me of what to pick please Jodie xx