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  1. C


    hey every one i am doing an essay on bettas and i want to show how intelligent they can be. does any one have any stories to show how intelligent their bettas are. If you post please give me your permission to use the story in my essay. thanks a lot!
  2. C

    Betta Tattoo

    hello every one. i am going to be getting a tattoo of a Betta fish. I am really fond of crowntails and halfmoons. I was wondering if any one would post CLEAR pictures of their bettas (doesn't HAVE to be CT or HM but it would be nice) that they wouldn't mind me using to make my tattoo. I would...
  3. C

    Ugh.... Read This...

    This makes me thankful for each and every one of my 25 babies that were treated well enough at the pet store and even better at home. This person is sick. They are making a JOKE about lives. "Who cares? Its just a fish." I HATE that attitude/ :angry: :sick:
  4. C

    New Bettas In!

    uh oh.... problem... one of the "females" may be a male. Hard to tell because the tail is bitten severly. Two of the females were blue... one i can tell is female be this one... it has a bit bigger fins (still not enough to tell) but if you imagine the fins when they were fully grown it could be...
  5. C

    New Bettas In!

    I bought two male crowntails and three female veiltails. I will try to get pictures... I'll have to borrow my boyfriends camera!
  6. C

    New Bettas In!

    Pet City is getting a new shipment of bettas in at 5:30... its now 4:00... I'm heading up and hoping to get a few males and females!! I've been waiting for this for two weeks... and it falls on my pay day!! I hope I fall in love! Wish me luck! :lol: :wub: :wub: :shout: :hyper: :drool: :good:
  7. C


    I've been doing that for awhile now (leaving water out over night) and then I tried to use the chemical stuff and 4 of my Betta's died!! I've gone back to leaving it out over night and my Betta's seem happy.... :unsure:
  8. C


    i was talking to a betta breeder in Vancouver and he said that instead of using chemical dechlorinater that if you just leave the water you are going to use out over night that it does the same thing. What do you guys think? If so wouldn't it save a lot of money and be better on the fish? I've...
  9. C


    hi. I was reading around and it seems that some people put their hands in their tanks to either fish out the bettas for water changes or just to play with them. Personally if it was safe for them (and me) i would love to do that just to be closer to my babies. Any opinions?
  10. C

    Males Angry

    what exactly defines a dragon betta?
  11. C

    This Is Sooo Cute!

    man that made my day! :hyper:
  12. C

    Latest Edition

    i would name him moonlight or moonbeam.... he reminds me a lot of the moon :wub:
  13. C

    He Died

    he looks like my first betta. I had him for almost two years. He died when i went away during christmas and my room mate forgot to order oil. The oil company closed for christmas for a week so we didn't have heat that week and it got so cold that the top of his tank had a film of ice. I never...
  14. C

    Strange Betta Dream!

    i had a really bad betta nightmare before... I was trying to clean tanks... and i had 40 or more to clean. I needed to get the fish out of the tank to clean it but the manager of pet city wouldn't give me a net to use. I had to use my hands then but my nails cut the betta and he bled every where...
  15. C

    Breeding Different

    I read some where of one woman who had a betta that wouldn't make bubble nest. She took one of her other fish's nest and transplanted it to the tank. The betta looked at it for a second and then started to add to it! Maybe it would work for a weak nest builder to? Every one needs alittle...
  16. C

    Betta Nor Eating Much

    i have a betta like that too. He just won't eat while you watch him. He doesn't appear sick or any thing.
  17. C

    Where From?

    sure.... sunny day.... lol where i live the bay is still covered in ice and its foggy :lol: well if you ever see any thing or have any thing to offer drop me a line :good:
  18. C

    Where From?

    Hey I'm from Newfoundland Canada and I was wondering where every one is from. I love this page and love to talking to other betta lovers. I have been finding that its hard to find any where that ships to Canada for bettas with out me having to chew off an arm to offer it as part of the payment...
  19. C

    Whining.... (well More Like Wishing)

    once there were beautiful pure red and pure blue female bettas (one of each) at the pet store.... i left for five minutes and they were gone. :byebye: I came in to work the next day only to find out that my SUPERVISOR HAD BEEN THE ONE THAT BOUGHT THEM! I could have killed him. We have had a...
  20. C

    Strange Betta Dream!

    i have had dreams about Bettas for the last three nights in a row... but thats what you get for being on here or cleaning tanks, feeding or caring for your fish for 50% of your day :wub: on of my dreams was where i was working at Tim Hortons and instead of selling coffee we were selling bettas...
  21. C


    Betta's actually breathe air so where my fish can't swim good he couldn't get to the surface to breathe or get to the food that was there for him.
  22. C

    Fishes Arrived One Day Late

    do they ship to canada? if not do you know of some one who does?
  23. C


    ok any good brand names i could search for? and if it IS a parasite should i take him out of the community tank?
  24. C


    yeah he lies on his side or props himself against the side. All I have is betta fix and melafix for medicines. Where I live we dont have many stores and thats all i can get here. I could get stuff online but i need to know what works. Maybe you guys could recomend some things or sites?
  25. C


    speaking of Rose and her affection towards Turqoise (the sick fish) she is now staring at him goo-goo eyed and has mating stripes!! her belly is swollen! perhaps i could start conditioning her and a healthier male.... i've had successful matings before, but the problem is she is my most...
  26. C


    All of thoes are correct His belly doesn't look swollen.. it looks thin. He had been going to the wash room but I don;t know how frequently... I did a water change yesterday so the water is still clean... there doesn't appear to be any poo. I did get him to eat one pellet today and he seemed...
  27. C


    ok... heres some more information... he was in his own tank but it was to deep so i put him in a smaller one... then i moved him to a floating isolation tank to float on top of my 55 gallon with my other fish in it. seeing the other fish as perked him up better and where is more shallow he finds...
  28. C


    he hasn't been eating much. I got him to eat one pellet today but that was only by lowering the water level so much that he could get at it. I boiled the pea and when he wouldn't look at it full i mashed it to no avail. He can't be full after eating one pellet I don't think because he hasn't...
  29. C

    You Know You're Addicted To Bettas When...

    you buy a 2 pound bag of betta food for $130 :hey:
  30. C


    ok. i'm pretty sure my fish has swim bladder problems. He looks fine and his colors are bright but he just lies on the bottom of his tank. If you provoke him he will try to swim but he just wiggles and can't swim right. i read about feeding him a shelled pea to help sort things out but he...
  31. C

    Some "rescues" Of The Past

    Where I live in Newfoundland there is one Pet City and one wal-mart and that is the only places that sell any fish and both carry Betta's. I am very happy to say that i know the manager of Pet City and he properly takes care of his Betta's. They are in baggies but are usually sold very quickly...
  32. C

    Newbie From Newfoundland

    hey every one! I live in a small community with only one pet store and so finding some one that is actually interested in fish is hard to come by. Loads of people own fish but its hard to get good advice or even talk to any one about how wonderful your pet fish are (with out getting really weird...