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  1. M

    Swim Bladder

    platy swimming eratically and almost vertical, is this swim bladder?
  2. M

    Help Please

    Our blood platy is swimming eratically almost vertical and its nose seems very red, can anyone offer an explanation as to what the cause may be, thanks
  3. M

    Dying Blood Tetras

    I posted a couple of days ago about one of the blood tetras which had a swollen abdomen, we ruled out dropsy, well this morning it was dead which I expected as its breathing was rapid last night. This morning the other fish were fine, well in the last couple of hours I have found 2 more dead...
  4. M

    Blood Tetra

    The scales look fine, so like you said, possible constipation. Thanks for your help :good:
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    Blood Tetra

    We have 5 blood tetras in our community tank and one of them is blind in one eye. We noticed tonight that it has a swollen abdomen, he/she has eaten and seems lively enough. What are the chances that it has dropsy? TIA
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    Yesterday my oranda was swimming about happily until about 5 oclock when it suddenly started acting eratically, turning somersaults, swimming upside down then floating on its side until eventually it died and I have no idea why :unsure:. I had had it for about 2 weeks and it looked healthy
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    Our Tank

    he is no displaying to them he is treatening them, i would remove him if i was you and one of the females is showing stress stripes which is not good otherwise nice tank These fish have been in that tank since March and the stripey beta was stripey when we got her
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    Our Tank

    They dont bother about each other, Miagi the male likes to display at the females but they just swim away from him :hyper:
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    Small Reptiles

    Can you resist :hyper:
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    Our Tank

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    Orphaned Kitten

    :wub: what a little cutie, she is adorable
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    Bearded Dragon

    I know that a leopard gecko can go for weeks without food but unsure about beardies. These three web sites are fantastic and there is always someone can answer your Q's. They are worth registering to.
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    I make them to order but not in a big way IYKWIM. Some take longer than others to make. Thank you for your lovely comments, they are much appreciated
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    Small Reptiles

    Leopard geckos are in my opinion the easiest to keep
  15. M

    Other Pets

    Munky is a year old now. Thanks for your nice comments
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    Other Pets

    These are my other pets Munky Rosie Bluey(at the back) Ben at the front is sadly no longer with us, he was 19
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    That is my main hobby, dont know if anyone will be interested but here are a couple I have made for a diamond wedding recently and one I made because I felt like it, it is based on my other hobby, my leopard gecko Munky
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    Blood Tetra

    I have noticed that 1 of the blood tetras colouring has faded quite a bit and the bottom of its dorsal fin is white now where the rest rest is black, the rest are fine. Can anyone shed any light as to what may be the cause of this. Other than that is appears healthy. TIA
  19. M

    Tetra Aqua Easy Balance

    we got it with our tank and had np with it, still got all the fish so I guess it must be working :rolleyes:
  20. M


    Thank you for your reply and help, I have gutted the tank and scrubbed the plastic plants and have disposed of the live plant, so heres hoping
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    Not sure if this is an emergency but, last night we discovered a snail in the tank and this morning 2 more. What we cant understand is.........where they are coming from and will they harm the fish. Thanks for any help you can give on this matter?
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    Thank you Fishkies and I have to say I am loving your fishy smilie :good:
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    Hello, new to the forum. Cant wait to join in :)