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  1. Zeoth

    Extremely Aggressive Rusties

    Hey Hobby5, The rocks i used are Lava Rock from my local FS. They used the same rocks in their African Cichlid Display. They are a bit rough but not sharp. And thanks for the info, though i have kept tropical fish before, this is my first foray into the cichlid world. I thought the aggression...
  2. Zeoth

    Extremely Aggressive Rusties

    Here is a video of my tank. Hopefully it has enough nooks and cranny s:
  3. Zeoth

    Extremely Aggressive Rusties

    I   I have intricate rock work, with many hiding spaces. Already tho, they chase each other over more than half the tank, inside caves and around rocks. Im afraid if they were older they would be relentless. 
  4. Zeoth

    Extremely Aggressive Rusties

    Considering this, what can I do to lower the aggression and maintain balance in the tank?
  5. Zeoth

    Extremely Aggressive Rusties

    just realized i posted this twice. Im so sorry! My internet connection caused a hiccup and i didnt think it went thru :/
  6. Zeoth

    Super Aggressive Rusties

    Hey guys,   So I have a 55 Gal with the following stock:   Yellow-Tailed Acei x7 Yellow Lab x  7 Demonasi x1 Rusties x7 All fish are juveniles,the largest fish are 3 inches max at best.   The rusties are by far the most aggressive fish in the tank. They chase other fish, who come even remotly...
  7. Zeoth

    Extremely Aggressive Rusties

    Hey guys,   So I have a 55 Gal with the following stock:   Yellow-Tailed Acei x7 Yellow Lab x  7 Demonasi x1 Rusties x7   The rusties are by far the most aggressive fish in the tank. They chase other fish, who come remotly close, dig and by far are extremely aggressive towards their own...
  8. Zeoth

    Cycling Tank = Infestation Of Snails?!

      Ah thank you so much! :) I was worried they may harm my future fish. I think ill leave them to be for now.  Thanks alot for your help mate!
  9. Zeoth

    Cycling Tank = Infestation Of Snails?!

    Hi guys!, So im in the last stage of my fishless cycle, Actually im fairly certain the cycle is done. Got used filters from a friend of mine, and threw in a shrimp 2 weeks ago. My test kit is unfortunately in the mail but Ill be picking it up tomorrow. Just a background: my tank's substrate is...
  10. Zeoth

    Stocking My 55Gal

    Thanks! :D I bought those rocks for 1.99 a pound. Here's the kicker though, most of those rocks weigh around a pound at most! Most of the smaller ones are less than a pound!! It's honestly strange picking up a large rock, bigger than your hand, only to find it lighter than a tennis ball. As for...
  11. Zeoth

    Stocking My 55Gal

    Thanks! Here's my tank atm. No fish, still has to cycle for a few more weeks, but hopefully i have a lot of hiding spaces.  Here are some pics you can take a look at!   Really hoping thats enough hiding spaces. the rocks on the right hand side were a pain to make sure it wouldnt topple but I...
  12. Zeoth

    Stocking My 55Gal

    Wow i love that fish. ironically enough, i had a picture of that catfish that i saw swimming in a premade fishtank and was just about to ask for an ID but you beat me to it! Im personally inclined towards the synodontis longirostris, And thanks for the ID Getitsahn, its defintaly a...
  13. Zeoth

    Stocking My 55Gal

    My current stock:   Red Zebra Cichlid x3 White Lab x3 Socolotti CIchlid x 4 Electric Blue Johani x 4 Demonasi Cichlid x 5 (The unidentified fish) x5 Yellow Lab x 4 Also incl are 2-3 catfish, i tried searching your reccomendation (syondonitis) GetitSahn but I couldnt find any reseaults :S
  14. Zeoth

    Stocking My 55Gal

    I found some fish that look verrry similar. similar to that, infact, exactly the same except a much more pronounced grey body, like this fish...
  15. Zeoth

    Stocking My 55Gal

    Apologies for the spelling error. Yes i meant pseudotropheus socolofi. >_< Though iv kept other tropical fish, this is my first foray into the cichlid world! I did some more research on the chilumba and your right. strangly enough that was one of the fish reccomended by the store employee there...
  16. Zeoth

    Red Top Zebra

    Gorgoues tank mate!
  17. Zeoth

    Stocking My 55Gal

    Hm, ok i got rid of the Auratus and the list now appears as such:   Pearly White Zebra Cichlid x3 Bumblebee cichlid x3 Socolotti CIchlid x 4 Electric Blue Johani x 4 Demonasi Cichlid x 5 Mel Auratus CIchlid x 3 Red Top Chilumba x3   Yellow Lab x 3   Is everything else fine?
  18. Zeoth

    Stocking My 55Gal

    Hey you have helped me! I was kind of iffy on the cories so thanks for that! I'm sorry about the fish names, i wrote down the names the pet store had. I have trouble identifiying haps from mbuna's. :/
  19. Zeoth

    Stocking My 55Gal

    Hey guys! I have an empty 55 Gal, Still going through cycling at the moment however i went to the petstore and put down a list of fish I liked and which id love to keep in there. I tried to make sure alot of the fish that i picked were already stocked togeather at the store.   Pearly White Zebra...
  20. Zeoth

    Red Top Zebra

    Beautiful fish. Any chance we can get a look at your tank? It looks great!
  21. Zeoth


    Intereseting...a university here is also doing the exact same bargain...
  22. Zeoth


    hey kribenis12, You don't happen to be going to UTM are you??
  23. Zeoth

    55 Gal Big Enough?

    yea but still, i dont think im quite ready for that kind of care and maintainence. Just gonna try and stick with mbuna's :P
  24. Zeoth

    55 Gal Big Enough?

    sorry guys, my dad said he doesn't want to fill it with mduna's or any freshwater fish. he wants it salt water >__> even though i told him there expensive & sensitive, but hes the one paying forthe tank so... Ah well, u cant have everything :(
  25. Zeoth

    55 Gal Big Enough?

    i see, so no Oscars for me. okay. umm... What type of mbuna would u recommend stocking it with?
  26. Zeoth

    55 Gal Big Enough?

    Some 55gal's are going pretty cheap around here, so before i get em, i was wondering if this stock is suitable for a standard rectangular 55Gallon(US) red oscar, jack dempsey, cobalt blue cichlid, yellow lab, (or will it get bullied? ) pleco, Pleco can be outsted out to make room for other...
  27. Zeoth

    Altime Favourite Cartoon Charactor.

    gotta be the ol' wabbit fo me!
  28. Zeoth

    Ur Favourite Cartoon?

    ahhhh, i remember back in the day i would run home from school to see the next digimon episode. too bad they dont run them anymore :( Dont know why, they were so much more better then pokemons. And thier digivolvs looked way more cooler. Not a "retro" show but still, its old for meh :P...
  29. Zeoth

    My, What Will They Come Up With Next?

    even if it was a fake fish, it doesn't make it any less tacky XD
  30. Zeoth

    My, What Will They Come Up With Next?

    Im sure the fish would have a long and peaceful life in this tacky fish"tank".
  31. Zeoth

    Hotel Rwanda

    its one of my favorites! right next to Blood Diamond. Awsome movie! :thumbs:
  32. Zeoth

    My Cornies

    u named ur snake Orichimaru?! now where have i heard that name before, hmmm....... :P cool snakes man :thumbs:
  33. Zeoth

    Fave Animals

    1.) The Bengal Tiger ( dont like the white one as much :P) 2.) The lion 3.) The Wolf I like big, powerfull animals , as u can tell :D
  34. Zeoth

    Please Share Your Stories :d

    I HAVE LOTS! well if u must know, when i was in kindergarten, we lived in this rented basementn of a house. on my way back to my home i found a card on the floor. Memory cant recall what kind but i do remember it was the "fad" back in the day. and no it wasnt a pokemon. :P anyways i bring the...
  35. Zeoth

    World Of Warcraft Anyone!?

    lol This is like the 14th wow thread XD you'll be surprised how many there are if u search :) I used to play too, but on private servers so i guess that dosn' t really count :P
  36. Zeoth

    Computer Project

    We did a project for media class. Its not epic, but it was enough to win us some marks. :P Anyways it was requested that the project be posted on the interwebs, so here it is. enjoy!, and dont forget to comment :P
  37. Zeoth

    Decent Pc Games

    Try Crysis Warhead? Dead space?
  38. Zeoth


    You never know, a stalker might me patrolling the site lookin for un suspecting facebook dudes. >__> It's not my fault im paranoid! Blame de parents :P
  39. Zeoth

    Help Please!

    I used to use AVG until it stopped updating itself and wont let me do it manually either >__> Avast all the way XD lol
  40. Zeoth

    Pokemon Pearl & Diamond

    lol i play some pokemon games but iv never played em all through, :P lol World of Warcraft lol