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  1. Chrispixx

    Angelfish Problem

    Thanks.. hopefully it will work out. they are both marble angels, the original one is black with silver, the new one is sliver with black. exact opposites. they look nice together.
  2. Chrispixx

    Angelfish Problem

    i have an almost inch and a half (from mouth to tail) angel in my 29 gal, he was all by himself for a while so i thought i would get him a friend. so i added another today (the same size) and the original one is pecking at the new one. will this go on or will they get along soon. is it because...
  3. Chrispixx

    Thanks for checking out my profile..Nice to know someone from the same area.

    Thanks for checking out my profile..Nice to know someone from the same area.
  4. Chrispixx

    A Spot Inside My Gourami. What Can It Be?

    I do not know for sure if your fish has the same thing as my tinfoil barb but it has a very similar spot on its side. well this spot has not changed at all in size or color and has been there for along time (more than five years). When i first saw it i kept an eye on it concerned as you are now...
  5. Chrispixx

    Fluval Edge With Led Light Setup

    Great looking tank. I have never seen one like that before. where did you get it?
  6. Chrispixx

    Angelfish Tank

    Awesome looking tank.. i love the angels i used to keep them a long time ago. i always loved how they act when they see their owner. Are those rummy nose tetras down towards the bottom?
  7. Chrispixx

    is a rock star

    is a rock star
  8. Chrispixx

    1000 Us Gal Project

    I have not been on this site in along time as well, so i thought i would check out members tanks and this i as far as i made it. it took a awhile to go through but i had a good time. Great job on accomplishing your dream aquarium and for sharing,i hope you are doing good and enjoying your...
  9. Chrispixx

    How To Make A Diy Python

    I have been doing it this way for years (adding water that is) without any problems. I don't have chlorine in my water but thats besides the point. For anybody else you just add the dechlor as the new water is going in, instant detoxification. Also in the picture below, if you look at where...
  10. Chrispixx

    Close Shave With The Heater

    Is 27 hot? :huh: What do you normally keep the temp at?? 27c converts to 80.6 My main tank is set at that. Most of my other tanks are between 78-80/25.5-26.5c Doresy... I haven't been here in a while and i see you changed your avatar. Having some refreshment..right on.
  11. Chrispixx

    Best filter current killing method I've found

    Anyone concerned about sharp edges after cutting the plastic, i used sandpaper to smooth out the cut plastic edge. I am using two of these and they work great.
  12. Chrispixx

    Good Filters For Goldfishes?

    That magnum filter should work fine as long as the proper insert is used. that would be the round plastic deal with the plastic mesh on it. (as seen in the picture on the website) put media inside it (ceramic works well) then the blue foam sleeve goes over it. I have the hang on tank version of...
  13. Chrispixx

    Preparing For Power Outage

    These are both good options... but what type of filter is on it? if the filter is a impeller driven type, what if it doesn't restart? (these type have a tendency to do this.) The tank would be without a filter for the whole weekend, this is not good. Maybe do a test.. unplug it then see if it...
  14. Chrispixx


    ROTFLMAO....... :lol: :lol: That was good.. i bet you couldnt resist that.
  15. Chrispixx

    Betta Was Bleeding

    Sorry to here about the loss of your betta. Regarding the filter your using, if the current is too much for your betta there is a method to slow the current. Here is the link from the betta section. Filter Current Kill I have used this method on two filters of mine and it works very well.
  16. Chrispixx

    Tantrum Substitute

    I agree with telling the LFS where the fish went and what size tank it is in. If you can buy it from the current owner/store, do you have any friends, relatives with a big tank that could take care of it on a permanent basis?
  17. Chrispixx

    Bogwood Poisoning

    I disagree with this.. boiling may not be necessary but it sure wont hurt, especially if the wood comes direct from a lake, river etc. you never know what is living on/in it. Boiling will also leech tannins faster so that is a bonus if you are not after that look. boiling big wood is a...
  18. Chrispixx

    Using Filter Media Question

    I don't understand your logic as to why your only using your Python to remove water, and not to put it back in. if your worried about chlorine thats what the prime is for. A Python is supposed to make water changing easier, i have a Python and wouldn't go back to buckets let alone be dealing...
  19. Chrispixx

    Frst Time Tropical Fish Newbie

    If your going the ammonia route, make sure it is pure.. no additives, scents or surfactants etc. The label ingredients will read ammonia hydroxide, soft water thats all. The algae could get worse, make sure the tank is not getting direct light from a window. if the tanks lights are causing it...
  20. Chrispixx

    Sand Or Gravel Question

    I have never used sand until recently, i decided to try it because i can get free sand. So i switched my 20 gal. from gravel to sand and i really like it. Another reason i decided to switch, because i was planning on getting Cory's, i knew the sand would be better for them. Your tanks looks nice...
  21. Chrispixx

    Complete Tank Strip Down To Clean?

    I would reverse that. scrub the glass inside first, let everything settle. then a good gravel vac and water change.
  22. Chrispixx

    How Do You Top Up Your Tank?

    If a topping up is needed i use a stainless steel cooking pot. But that rarely ever happens. Because of the frequency of my water changes the tanks are always topped. I use a homemade Python for water changes.
  23. Chrispixx

    Oversized Custom Aquariums

    This topic came up once before. I cant remember if it was here or another forum i belonged to. If i had the space and the money it would have to be the 170,344 liter/45,000gal. tank at this site Crystal View Tanks.Com/Tanks. It only costs 1,810,169 pounds or $3,599,999 us dollars. One hell of a...
  24. Chrispixx

    Why Is Fish Spinning When Swimming

    This should be in the TFE forum maybe a mod will move it for more responses Is the color faded on the neon? faded color goes with neon tetra disease (NTD). is the tank cycled? how long has it been up and running? Neons should only be added to a well established tank, as they are sensitive to...
  25. Chrispixx

    Removed Carbon Filter

    Is the carbon insert a sponge or pellets in a bag? If its a sponge then try to find a non-carbon sponge from another brand of filter. Aqua-Clear has sponges, then find the closest size or bigger and trim it to fit. This way you will have more media area all around, with out having to use carbon...
  26. Chrispixx

    Power Outages

    We don't lose power here that much, but a few years back in October we had a bad storm with a lot of snow. Tree limbs and whole trees came down, due to the leaves still being on the trees. The whole area was without power for 4 to 5 days, some area's even longer. I was able to borrow a generator...
  27. Chrispixx

    Moderator Help Requested

    Doresy to the rescue again :hooray: Colin in all fairness it would of taken you a half hour (or less) to place an image on photobucket so you can use it in the other thread.
  28. Chrispixx

    Questions About Food

    A varied diet is aways best. Omega one is very good food, as far as flake goes i don't think you would have to stop, but instead get some veggie flake and mix it with the regular flake in a container. a cleaned out margarine tub works well, or any cheap plastic container. This way with every...
  29. Chrispixx

    Cloudy Tank?

    Have you been completely changing your filter pads (media)?? this is a no-no
  30. Chrispixx

    Tank Light Keeps On Flickering

    One of mine did this and it was the bulb. Most home centers sell the "basic" bulbs cheaper than the pet stores. If your keeping plants then obviously you need the better bulbs and will have to pay more. Depending on the fixture you can also use the larger diameter fluorescents without issues. i...
  31. Chrispixx


    I have no experience with it, but the reviews sound great.
  32. Chrispixx

    Update On Fish W/ick

    Just as rdd said keep treating the tank. Theres no need to break it down, clean everything and start all over unless you really want to. just change water, gravel vac and keep medicating. your going to need an ammonia source to feed the bacteria so it will stay alive, i'm not sure one shrimp is...
  33. Chrispixx

    Ph & Hardness In Scottish Water

    Though i frown on using Ph adjusters like everyone else on this site,the one thing i will say is API Proper Ph works good. i tried it in the past when i thought i had to keep my Ph between 7.0 and 7.2 it puts the Ph at the number thats on the container and keeps it there. But you need to add it...
  34. Chrispixx

    Your Favorite Ornament

    it looks small in the pic but its 24"/61cm length X 8"/20cm high.
  35. Chrispixx

    Urgent Help Please

    I agree.. but only do that big of a change if the tank ph is the same as the tap. Check them both and see if they match (or are very close) if not it may be necessary to do smaller changes over the next few days.If the snails have not moved you should check them with your net, get them out and...
  36. Chrispixx

    Strange Friends

    That is funny.. :lol: I am surprised the bumblebee cat has not kicked the clown out if that was his log first.
  37. Chrispixx

    Please Help, Dumb Question

    (being careful not crack the bottom of the tank with the siphon) Using your mouth to create suction is no big deal as long as you are quick to not get fish water in your mouth.
  38. Chrispixx

    Inaccurate Nitrate Test?

    I just tested twice and there was no noticeable difference between shaking bottle #2 for 30 sec. or 1 min. But it might be advisable to shake bottle #2 for at least 1 min. if the kit has not been used for awhile. Also not reading the test results at the 5 min. mark exactly might give false results.
  39. Chrispixx

    F/w Test Kit Poll

    Why would you want to wait 20 min for a result? I've only used API i have no experience with anything else. I like the API Ammonia, but i liked it better back when it was the one bottle kit.
  40. Chrispixx

    Moved The Community Fish!

    I didnt know they were called Denison Barbs but according to this link that is their most common name. In my town the LFS's have them labeled as Roseline Sharks so thats all i've known them as. I have always wanted some but i am hesitant about spending 35$ on a fish.