Search results

  1. N

    Dull Neons?

    Do you think that any tetras will shoal with the others? I've got 11 neons, (the lfs miscounted when I bought ten :rolleyes: ) and I'd like to get a few other small tetras, but I was worried that there isn't room in my 55 litre tank for six more. I'd like a couple of cardinals and an x-ray...
  2. N

    Feeding Adult Fish

    I've a question about feeding fish before putting new fish in the tank. Should you feed the fish before putting the new fish in, after putting new fish in, or wait until the following morning? I've a small community tank (55 litres / 15 gallons I think) with peaceful fish, 3 leopard corries, 3...
  3. N

    Recommendations For A 10 Gallon

    Thanks Sylvia, Great Article. Your article has more (and more interesting) suggestions than I've had from the 3 LFS in Toulouse in five weeks of random visits and in the book I borrowed from the library.