Search results

  1. barnesj2

    Elphant Nose

    how much do elphant noses sell for because i went to my lfs today and they were £8.99 this seems rely cheap what do they useually retail at.
  2. barnesj2


    my fish are at the bottem of the tank nd look stressed it is most obvious that my cichlids are ill they are at the bottem the ram has lost most colour and is more black then usuall the angels swimming at a weird angle and the keyhole is barly moveing what should i do
  3. barnesj2

    Congo Dwarf Frog

    thanks for the help i have another problem with it i cant find it in the tank i dont think its been eatan but it may of got in the filter or escaped is this quite likely.
  4. barnesj2

    Congo Dwarf Frog

    i just got a dwarf frog the lfs said there totaly aquatic is that true or do they need land also its front left foot is missing or deformed will it grow back also are they quite inactive mine doesent move much lol
  5. barnesj2

    Pics Pics Pics!

    keyhole and pepper cory
  6. peppered_cory.JPG


  7. keyhole.JPG


  8. barnesj2

    Just A Few Pics

    lovely tank good work
  9. keyhole.JPG


  10. barnesj2

    My Tank

    this is all my pics i have 1 angel 1 east euro ram 1 keyhole 1 peppered corydora 1 bronze corie 2 golden pencilfish 3 black widow tetras 1 dwarf algae eater they are im my southamerican/amazon biotope comments please sorry if the pics are blured
  11. ram.JPG


  12. dwarf_algae.JPG


  13. peppered_cory.JPG


  14. keyhole.JPG


  15. barnesj2

    My Tank

    heres more pics
  16. pencilfish.JPG


  17. bronze_cory.JPG


  18. cories.JPG


  19. angelfish.JPG


  20. black_widow_tetra.JPG


  21. angel_2.JPG


  22. barnesj2

    My Tank

    my tank
  23. resize_1.JPG


  24. barnesj2

    What Cory 2 Get

    just got back from lfs i bought a peepered corry as there was only albinos and bronzes left there was one peppereed so i bought him hes a very interesting and lively fish
  25. barnesj2

    What Cory 2 Get

    any ideas on a rely interesting cory and how much it will set me back
  26. barnesj2

    Pencil Fish Brreding

    hi my pencilfish (golden) are performing a sort of dance and they are displayinng to eachother does this mean they will or may breed if so how big are the eggs were will i have 2 look in the tank to see them will they be a snack for my other fish and will i need any specail plants or equpmemnt...
  27. barnesj2

    Colourful Fish

    hey i need to get some colourful fish for my amazzon /southamerican tank besides what ive allready got and neons cardinals and rummy nosed tetras what could i add to give the tank colour its a little dull at the moment
  28. barnesj2

    Amazon Invertebrates, Amphibians

    hi i have got some bogwood in the tank now i got it through post yesterday put it in earlier lol the substrate is very small graval about a mm or 2 big and the lighting is a sun glo 40 cm 15 Wt tube is whitey yellow when its turned on.
  29. barnesj2

    Betta Setup Help

    thanks for all the advice
  30. barnesj2

    Betta Setup Help

    thanks i would do the water changes and maintance as i am fairly expericened with 2 community tanks i thinm my sis will be ok feeding mr betta but i will have to make shure lol the bettas a surprise for her thats the only prob i may take her to look and get it while shes not looking lol thanks...
  31. barnesj2


    i thougt this at first biut after a few days of the angel being added the cichlids all got on and the tanks going well
  32. barnesj2

    Betta Setup Help

    hi i havent kept bbettas but i want 2 get a male for my sisters 11 birthday could you help me with my setup Qs and suggest what tank to get will i need a filter will i need to heat it how much will it all cost thnanks
  33. barnesj2

    Amazon Invertebrates, Amphibians

    the tanks 60 litres im located in portsmouth uk and the water ph is 6.5-6.8 will this help im keeping it at tis with test kits and powder form ph lower
  34. barnesj2

    Would A Vivarium Heatmat Be Ok?

    i have that heater it is very good but the heat is always mote than what it says on the thermostat my tank is the right size for it and it still heats it up 2 much lol just keep the down at the lowest for bettas
  35. barnesj2

    !triops Need Help!

    also can triops be mixed with fish
  36. barnesj2

    Amazon Invertebrates, Amphibians

    hi i have a amazon/ south american biotope and i wondered what i could put in there with my fish i would like a type of shrimp or frog from the region but also if you can thinnk of anything else i could put in my tank the help would be apprecited also could i put triops in the tank
  37. barnesj2

    South American Shrimp Help!

    thanks for that if any one else nos of any other suitable shrimp or nos where i can get some amazon glass shrimp please help
  38. barnesj2

    South American Shrimp Help!

    hi i have an ammazon / south american biotope set up and i would like to add some shrimp what peacful shrimp aare there from south america thanks.
  39. barnesj2

    Air Stone

    hi the air will break the surface of the water and allow more oxeygen in the aquarium