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  1. S

    Suggestions For A Schooling Fish For A 55 Gallon

    Now you tell me. :) I really like the shoaling that the bleeding hearts show. They are a group of 21 fish, but they only occupy a small percentage of the tank volume because they stay so close together. It's fun to see them attack frozen bloodworms; they are like mini-piranhas. Sometime the...
  2. S

    Suggestions For A Schooling Fish For A 55 Gallon

    And the winner is: the bleeding heart tetra. Thanks to all for their advice. I can already see that the bleeding hearts school much more readily than the emperors. Very relaxing to watch. I'm looking forward to seeing how they look after a few days of good food in a healthy planted tank. I...
  3. S

    Suggestions For A Schooling Fish For A 55 Gallon

    Thanks for the continuing suggestions. Puntius denisonii is a great looking fish, but a bit bigger than I was planning. Neon tetras look too similar to emperors. Two that I am considering at the moment are the firehead tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri) and a bleeding heart tetra (15 in a 55 gallon...
  4. S

    Suggestions For A Schooling Fish For A 55 Gallon

    I have a mostly empty 55 gallon (48 inch wide) aquarium that currently has 7 emperor tetras. I should have done my research beforehand; I would have found out that this is not really a schooling species. There are two males, and each one has claimed an end. While these are nice fish, I really...
  5. S

    Anybody Keep Congo Tetra's.

    Hi. My first post here. Can someone tell me whether this fish will school? I have 7 emperor tetras by themselves in a 55 gallon tank, only to find that they are not really a schooling species. Stephen