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  1. C

    Hey guys

    What happened to you at aquaria central? mine says your account has been suspended and to contact billing or customer support.
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    Adding Substrate

    I will be adding the same gravel but it will be over a gravel laterite mix since I pulled all the plants out to replace with new I just wanted to put gravel over it since alot of the laterite came up with the roots of the plants.
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    Adding Substrate

    If you add substrate on top of existing substrate does that bother the beneficial bacteria? I don't use a under gravel filter if that makes a difference with water moving through the gravel.
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    Flora APM

    Has anyone ever used this product and if so did it work?
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    white spots

    One of my new Discus has three white spots on it's fin. should I be concerned? and if so what should I do?
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    I just purchased a heater with a titanium housing and I was just wondering if there was any way to paint the outside of the housing so you would not see it as much __________________ Thanks Greg
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    Something is happening to my plants

    That is probably what is happening I just uprooted everything for a different look and thin some stuff out. thanks alot everyone again.
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    Suggestion about trimming accessories

    YEP!! I have the same thing what a great tool!
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    Upgrading my lighting to PC lighting

    I am going to upgrade my lighting to PC lighting just can't decide which to use so here are my options from ah supply 4x55 for 220 watts or 4 wpg or 2x96 for 192 watts or 3.4 wpg or 3x96 for 288 watts or 5.2 wpg so which one would you use? is there any other configurations you would use or...
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    Something is happening to my plants

    I have three sae's in my tank (for about 8 months now) and my Cryptocoryne wendtii "green" plant leaves are getting eaten or something. they look like they get part of them eaten in middle of the leaf and the leaf breaks in half. it is like they get real thin not eaten all the way through. so I...
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    Cbster's Planted Discus Tank

    alright finally got a picture any comments or criticisms are appreciated. this is one of the discus.
  12. discus_zoom.jpg


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    Cbster's Planted Discus Tank

    55 Gallon Planted Discus Tank FILTRATION Rena Filstar xp3 H.O.T. Magnum 250 SUBSTRATE 2-3 in. of Gravel mixed with laterite LIGHTING 4 x Coralife Nutri Grow Plant Lamps 48 in. 40 Watt Bulbs = 2.90 WPG METHOD OF CO2 Milwaukee CO2 Regulator With Solenoid Valve and Bubble Counter Milwaukee...
  14. My_Tank.jpg


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    Limestone in tank

    I was reading on the internet that you should not use limestone in a planted tank. I have had it in my tank since day one and I was just wondering exactly what the limestone does and if I should take it out immediately?
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    CO2 Grade

    I was just wondering what grade CO2 you guys used to inject in your tank? Thanks Greg
  17. C

    Sick Discus

    Well I lost the cobalt but there are three more in the tank. they all look fine and eat fine but should I still treat them? the only thing I could find was jungle parasite clear that says it treats for hexamita. Thanks Greg
  18. C

    Sick Discus

    It does have white stringy poo so how do I treat it? Thanks Greg
  19. C

    Sick Discus

    I have a blue cobalt discus that just stopped eating he was doing ok until two days ago and now he just kind of sits in the corner the other three discus are doing just fine they are young about three inches and I do two 50 % water changes a week with RO/DI water and I add Aquarium...
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    Mbuna Cichlid Tank

    I found a 55 Gallon at a yard sale today for 10 bucks. and I am going to make it a Mbuna cichlid tank. I don't actually know much about them so I was wondering what you guys would put in it? I want a variety of fish if that i possible with some color. Thanks Greg
  21. C


    Well they are in the tank and they look like there at home. they are eating the algae off some of the plants and swimming around like there the king of the tank (which I guess they are) now I can see why they say when you go Discus you never go back. now I can't wait till I get the rest. which...
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    The lfs I am getting them from only has two right now but I am planning on getting six altogether. Thanks Greg
  23. C


    I am picking up my first two discus tomorrow and I was just wondering what is the best way to acclimate them into the tank? Thanks Greg
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    Where to buy

    Thanks Everyone Greg
  25. C

    Where to buy

    Does anyone know where to buy Siamese Algae Eaters in the St. Louis area or on the internet? Thanks Greg
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    Pressurized CO2

    I'm kinda confused on the whole system. I already have the tank full of CO2 and i have been looking at combo packs with regulators, needle valves, bubble counters, and automatic ph shut off stuff on and I was just wondering what do i really need for a 55 gallon...
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    African Butterfly Fish

    I bought an African Butterfly Fish 6 days ago and he will not eat i have tried crickets and meal worms and he will not eat. is there anything i can try to entice him to eat or is there something else i can try to feed him. Thanks Greg
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    UV and Ferts

    I was wondering if running a UV sterilizer takes the fertilizer's out of the water? Thanks Greg
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    AP test kit.

    i have the same test kit and it is not that difficult you just add a drop until it turns yellow not that difficult if you ask me
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    marineland aqua-reminder

    i received an marineland aqua-reminder for Christmas. which if some of you haven't heard of one it is a little digital thing that reminds you to do maintenance stuff to your fish tank. well there are four presets which are change filter cartridge, clean gravel bed, partial water change, and...
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    new filter

    i am replacing a old filter with a new filter how long should i leave the old filter running in the tank for the bacteria to grow in the new filter thanks
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    new filter

    my buddy just gave me an amiracle sl-15 wet dry filter system and i was wondering if i should use the protein skimmer on a freshwater tank and if there is anything else i should know about the filter because the directions are really bad thanks
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    under gravel heaters

    Mr. Lateral Line i haven't planted the plants yet and i have a h.o.t. magnum 250 and an emperor 400 bio-wheel in the tank for filtration and the power heads i have can't reverse so should i just get rid of the ugf and not worry about the heating cable. is there anything else you think i need for...
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    under gravel heaters

    is it really necessary to have an under gravel heater? i have forty plants coming and if i would really benefit from it i will put it in. i have a 55 gal. tank with 4- 40 watts 48 in. bulbs, gravel, and laterite mix, and a diy co2 reactor is there anything else i need. thanks forgot i guess i...
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    do general hardness and Carbonate Hardness test with the same kit? i have read where some kits test general hardness and some both so i was just wondering if they where the same. thanks
  36. C

    diy co2

    i built a co2 system 1 week ago. and it looked like it was doing fine. now it won't produce bubbles unless i shake it up. did i do the mixture wrong? or is there something else? i have it at room temp which is 70 degrees. does it need to be warmer? and if yes what do you use? thanks
  37. C

    how many

    how many plants is the minimum for a heavily planted tank i have 6 now and 20 on the way is that enough or do i need more thanks
  38. C

    plantes for 55 gal. tank

    there is an auction on ebay with the following plants. [ 4 ] GIANT SAGITTARIA / rooted [ 3 ] CRYPT WENDTII " Green" / rooted [ 10 ] ROTALA INDICA / stems [ 3 ] DWARF SAGITTARIA / rooted and i was just wondering if they where good plants. they start at 9.99 and i have 4 40w bulbs on the tank thanks
  39. C


    i was thinking about maybe two bluegill in a 55 gal. but if there worse than cichlids then i don't think my plants could handle them what do you think thanks
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    brine shrimp

    does anyone know how to raise brine shrimp and would it be worth raising them anyway i can only find them frozen here thanks