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  1. B

    Stem Cuttings Die

    I'm surprised that nobody has a sure fire answer for why this might be occuring. I would have thought somebody would have seen this type of thing and know the cause. Even the pet shops can't help me!! Bizare!
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    Stem Cuttings Die

    Yeah, I've read a number of articles/books and high GH doesn't seem to be a problem (it would appear that very low GH is more of a problem than high). Is it possible that there could be something in the town water supply? Although, one would think that if the water was safe for humans to...
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    Stem Cuttings Die

    The plants have been in the tank for about a month now so taking cuttings shouldn't be a problem. I have a fairly high GH, around 14 degrees. Could that be the cause?
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    Stem Cuttings Die

    I am using Aquasonic Basic/Daily Gro. NPK can't be a problem - nitrate is about 15-20mg/L so it can't be limited, nor can phosphate, and I have dosed potasium just to be sure. Iron levels are also good.
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    Stem Cuttings Die

    Hey guys, thanks for the advice. I don't think the way that I am pinching off the stems with my fingers is the cause though, as I have done it this way for years and never had a problem before. Nevertheless, I have tried cutting them with scissors and making sure that the stems are nice and...
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    Stem Cuttings Die

    Hi. I have a 6 foot planted tank, 100% flourite substrate, CO2 injection, 2.5 wpg lighting. If I pinch the top off either my H. polysperma or Ambulia sessiflora, strip the lower leaves, and plant it, both plants fall apart and rot away. I have always been able to do this in the past...
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    Hygrophilia Polysperma Leaves Drooping

    I notice that if I take a cutting of hygro, i.e. snip the top off a growing portion, strip the lower leaves and plant the cutting, the leaves droop and the plant starts to rot. Any ideas as to why this could be?
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    Hygrophilia Polysperma Leaves Drooping

    Could this be what they refer to as 'Biogenic Decalcification'? Is there where some plants do well and others don't?
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    Hygrophilia Polysperma Leaves Drooping

    I am using Aquasonic Basic Gro/Daily Gro. Also, 100% Seachem Flourite substrate. CO2 levels are around 20ppm.
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    Hygrophilia Polysperma Leaves Drooping

    Hi. Here are the details of my tank: 6' (~ 400 litres) Red Sea CO2 pro system Eheim 2217 canister 240W tri-phosphor lighting pH: 6.8 KH: 4 degrees GH: 13 degrees Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: ~ 10-15 mg/L Iron: ~ 0.25 - 0.5 mg/L I have various plants in the tank. Most of the plants...
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    Conditioning Black Neon Tetras

    Hi. I have 2 three foot tanks, each of them set up identically - each tank contains a power filter containing some peat moss, a heater, pH in the low 6's, hardness 5 degrees gH, 3 degrees kH. The water in each tank is a nice amber colour. In the first 3 foot tank I have various species of...
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    Glowlight Eggs Keep Fungussing

    Hi Neoncory, Cool - thanks for the help. I will try breeding neons at some stage and will ask you for some advice when the time comes. I will keep you posted how I go with the glowlights. I definitely didn't block you from PM. Must be something your end? Bob.
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    Glowlight Eggs Keep Fungussing

    Hi Neoncory/Lateral Line, Thanks very much guys for your thoughts and help, much appreciated. I will continue feeding up the male and female glowlights but I'll give it a month and try them again. In the meantime, I'll work on the black neon tetras and lampeyes that I also have in...
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    Glowlight Eggs Keep Fungussing

    Hi Lateral Line, When you say they were 8 months old before they bred successfully, what do you mean by successfully? Do you mean that they actually layed eggs (i.e. they spawned) or do you mean they spawned and the eggs were fertile? Do you know if it's possibly for tetras to spawn, i.e. go...
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    Glowlight Eggs Keep Fungussing

    Hi. Thanks for that info - so you have successfully bred glowlights before? This is the procedure that I am following, tell me what you think: I keep the female glowlights in one tank (with some other female tetras that I am also breeding), and I keep the males in another tank (with the...
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    Glowlight Eggs Keep Fungussing

    They are glowlight tetras. I have tried putting some methylene blue in the water and have also covered the tank whilst spawning to keep things nice and dark. I think the eggs are fungussing because they are not being fertilised? How old do the males need to be?
  17. B

    Glowlight Eggs Keep Fungussing

    Hi, I have spawned glowlights in a breeding tank serveral times now and every time the eggs fungus. Is there anybody there that is experienced at breeding glowlights that can give me some advice? The water has a GH of 5 degrees and a KH of 3 degrees. pH is around 6.5 -7.0. Tank sterilised...
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    Glowlight Breeding Age

    Hi. Does anyone know how old glowlight tetras need to be before they can breed? I have had my glowlight tetras spawn several times now in a spawning tank but every time all the eggs are infertile. Bob.
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    Conditioning Glowlights

    Thanks very much for the advice. I was thinking about the metabolism thing and suspected it could be something along those lines. I live in Brisbane, Australia and it's very hot here at the moment (our summer). I'll keep feeding the glowlights and see what happens. I also have some female...
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    Conditioning Glowlights

    Hi. I bought 6 glowlight tetras about a month ago. I seperated the males from the females, putting the males in 1 three foot tank and the females in another. Over the last month I have been feeding them on flake, bloodworms, scrapings of fish flesh etc. However, the females just aren't...