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  1. D

    set up

    A general one on aquarium setup: Aquarium Setup VHS tape Try this for setting up a marine tank: Setting up a Marine Aquarium VHS tape Another one on Coral Reef Set-up: Setting up a reef tank VHS tape Hope those are helpful to you.
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    How to set-up a 'hospital' tank

    Try cranking up the temperature (82-84) to speed up the life cycle of the ich and let the medication do it's thing. Worked for me.
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    Python Clean and Fill all in one thing :)

    I like having the syphoned out water from my aquarium in a bucket cause i can use it on the garden. It's got loads of goodies in it which the plants love. Seems a waste to let it disappear down the sink.
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    Getting New Tank

    Hey Distrait, Good to have another convert to the hobby! I did pretty much the same thing as you except i trusted my LFS and went against all advice to fishless cycle. Trust me, don't make the same mistake i did (unless you like floating fish). The starter kits from fish stores are quite good...
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    strange deaths

    I'm new to this fish keeping game but am gradually learning so i'll do my best to give you some advice. I agree with gadazobe, it's most likely a cycling problem. But considering your fish have been in there for 7 weeks for some people that's enough to cycle for others it's not. Definately...
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    induction of fire into fishkeeping

    Hi Everyone, Well i have had quite an induction of fire into the world of fishkeeping. Thanks to everyone who replied under emergencies and gave me advice. My tank has been set up for about 5 weeks now (4 of those weeks i have had fish). My first fish were 6 platies that seemed to go fine for...
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    Dead Bristlenose Catfish.....Help!

    Tell me about it, i'm starting to feel like a mass murderer! In total, i've lost 18 fish (all the neons are gone now and it's just the lone platy left). Interesting point about the gravel (it's a mix of small and large gravel but mainly large). I do my best to clean it when i do water changes...
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    Dead Bristlenose Catfish.....Help!

    Thanks, i just cranked up the temp to 87 then. Hopefully that gets rid of the nasty parasite! I've noticed the neons are starting to get little white spots now, the platy however is almost clear (hooray!). What did you mean by when you saw them "flash"? Is that an early sign of ich? Hopefully...
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    Dead Bristlenose Catfish.....Help!

    My tank is now being termed the "texas aquarium masacre" by my friends who i've told my fish dramas to. I lost another two platies today and one of the neons. It's all very puzzling and frustrating! There's only one platy left now and 8 neons. I think it was the ich that got to the platies. I...
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    Dead Bristlenose Catfish.....Help!

    Hey everyone, thanks for your advice! Now for an update. As you know, all my catfish unfortunately died. Now i assumed that it was because i was adding "Showmaster Water Conditioner" which i assumed was aqaurium salt as it's little blue crystals and after reading on the net, most aquarium salt...
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    Dead Bristlenose Catfish.....Help!

    That explains it! Thakyou! I only realised i was adding salt today when i looked up on the internet what showmaster water conditioner actually did (it doesn't say it's salt on the container). So i guess what i'll do tomorrow is do another large water change (this time with only using aqua plus)...
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    Dead Bristlenose Catfish.....Help!

    Unfortunately i didn't use fishless cycling to cycle my tank. I trusted my LFS and they told me if use a product called Eco-start which has all the bacteria in it, then add fish a few days later and i wouldn't have any problems. So i did that. I tested my water again today (with water from the...
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    Dead Bristlenose Catfish.....Help!

    Disaster! I got home today to discover three of my four bristlenose catfish lifeless on the bottom of the tank. :( My tank is only about 3 weeks old but i thought it had cycled completely and my platies seem to be fine (i have 6 in the tank) I measured the pH with 3 different test kits and of...
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    how many more fish to add?

    Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum and first of all let me say what a great job you all do! I've had my tank (50 Gallon) for a few weeks now and everything is going peachy so far. I started off with 6 platies which had fry just a few days ago. I counted four and they seem to be fairing well...
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    ?sick? platy and some other advice please!

    Thanks for your advice!!! I've been watching her closely over the last couple of days (makes a good distraction instead of studying for exams) and she seems to be ok. The mark is still the same size but at least it's not getting any bigger or spreading and her behaviour is pretty normal. Will...
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    Saying hi and thanks

    Hi Everyone, I was in a bit of a panic the other day about one of my poor Platies so i posted a message on the emergencies section and after been reassured that it was probably just a battle scar from being bullied rather than a horrible infection i realised i hadn't actually introduced myself...
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    ?sick? platy and some other advice please!

    Hello everyone, I am newby to the wonderful world of aquariums and have a bit of a problem with my platies. From what i've read its good to be thorough with descriptions so if this is long winded, i'm sorry. I bought my first tank about 10 days ago (An Aqua One AR980). It has a capactiy of...