Search results

  1. idlefingers

    Safety First

    Ahh, I see. Cheers for that.
  2. idlefingers

    Safety First

    I have a 6055 but couldn't see how you can connect a battery to it (it mentions it in the instructions but didn't say how to).. do you need some other thing to be able to hook it up?
  3. idlefingers

    Just Noticed My Coral Beauty Has Whitespot

    Well he's looking a lot better today - only a few white spots here and there but much less than last night.. Still no other fish seem to be affected so it's looking up a bit. It's not the cost of a QT tank which puts me off but the fact that I'd have to pull apart my display tank to catch the...
  4. idlefingers

    Just Noticed My Coral Beauty Has Whitespot

    Thanks guys. I don't reckon there's any way I could catch him without ripping the whole thing apart and that's out of the question. I bought some Garlic Guard at lunch today and am going to start doing 10% daily water changes..
  5. idlefingers

    Just Noticed My Coral Beauty Has Whitespot

    Thanks for that. Looks like I'm up a creek without a QT tank. I guess it's just crossed fingers and water changes. What are the odds of the coral beauty surviving with ich? Only one out of my six fish has it (that I've noticed so far) so is that one destined to die or could it pull through? Are...
  6. idlefingers

    Just Noticed My Coral Beauty Has Whitespot

    They're just single spots dotted around (from what I could tell anyway).
  7. idlefingers

    Just Noticed My Coral Beauty Has Whitespot

    As the title says, I just noticed my coral beauty I bought a couple of weeks ago now has whitespot. :-( I don't have a quarantine tank and even if I did, I doubt I could catch it because I have quite a lot of LR in there. Is there any reef-safe treatments or anything I can do to improve my...
  8. idlefingers

    Fire Shrimp Molting

    lol yeah, I went through the same thing when my shrimp molted for the first time.. even though I'd read all about it and was expecting it, you can't help but wonder if it's dead! I always leave my shrimp's exoskeletons in there.. I don't know if it's the shrimp who eats it but by the following...
  9. idlefingers


    I have thin latex gloves which I wear for certain tasks like moving zooanthids, etc but most of the time I don't wear gloves so I voted sometimes.
  10. idlefingers

    Skimmer Driving Me Nuts!

    Makes perfect sense. I thought when typing it "some smart-arse will come and prove me wrong" so I added the AFAIK bit to cover myself :P
  11. idlefingers

    Skimmer Driving Me Nuts!

    A skimmer is not biological filtration like live rock is. Their functions are completely different. So, while adding more LR is always a good thing, it doesn't make a difference with removing the skimmer. AFAIK, a skimmer has no relation to phosphates either. If you have a sump with a refugium...
  12. idlefingers


    Sounds like Somatella varia to me.. completely harmless algae grazer. Here's a quote from about them: Also, here's a link to a thread I started a few months back asking a similar ID question about them. With regards to what stance to take on hitchhikers, I say take 'em one at...
  13. idlefingers

    Anybody Using Leopard Yet?

    It is quite a leap from 10.4. Apart from the vast array of improvements which they don't mention a lot of because they're only small things (but add up to make quite a difference), I'm finding most things to be considerably faster - especially mail & finder. :lol: The number of packages...
  14. idlefingers

    Reduced Flow At Night....?

    :lol: I got promoted at work and wanted needed to splurge a bit. I think the powerhead is brilliant! There's two dials on the controller which you can use to set two different speeds for the powerhead then another which controls how fast it switches between those flowrates, making a pulsing...
  15. idlefingers

    Anybody Using Leopard Yet?

    As the title says; anyone using Leopard on their mac yet? We got it at work on Monday and I got my copy for my macbook today and am loving it! Just wanted to see what other people think about it if anyone around here has upgraded yet?
  16. idlefingers

    Reduced Flow At Night....?

    I recently treated myself to a tunze 6055 + controller & photo-cell which makes it slow down at night. I have it on pretty much the lowest setting for that and haven't noticed any ill-effects in the tank (and no pH fluctuations).
  17. idlefingers

    Sophos9 - Diy "poor Mans" Reef Cooling

    Got the capacitor from Sophos today (thanks again for that!) and it works!! :clap: :kana: :- :hooray: :drink: :band: :beer:
  18. idlefingers

    Sophos9 - Diy "poor Mans" Reef Cooling

    Thanks again sophos! Very kind of you. :good: Now we just need to see if there may one day be something I can help you with and repay the favor rather than always the other way around :blush:
  19. idlefingers

    How Corals "see" Moonlight

    I've often wondered how corals know the exact night when it's full moon and all start their mass-spawning and so found this article quite interesting (and so thought others might, too!)... Quoted from New Scientist 27th October 2007 pg 21:
  20. idlefingers

    Adjusting Lights After The Time-change Last Night

    I was wondering what everyone else does to adjust the light schedule to compensate for the time change last night; do you just change the time on your timers to the correct time (thus gaining an hour) and be done with it, or slowly adjust the schedule over a few days?
  21. idlefingers

    Sophos9 - Diy "poor Mans" Reef Cooling

    Nice one! That'd be great! I'd have to give you something for it, though.. you got a paypal account I could donate into or something?
  22. idlefingers

    Sophos9 - Diy "poor Mans" Reef Cooling

    :blink: Nice job!! Sophos, would you be willing to build another and send it my way if I send you a few squid to cover the expenses (and your time)? I think it's pretty pants that they haven't built something like this into it to begin with.. especially if they're aware of the problem!
  23. idlefingers

    Bubble Algae

    Yeah, as 1entra said, the general rule for marines is 0.5"/gallon but you've got to take this with a pinch of salt ( :lol: ).. Because oceans are quite stable in many ways and environments can exist and progress over hundreds of years, marine fish tend to be quite "specialised" in that they've...
  24. idlefingers

    Swing Arm Hydrometer Vs. Refractometer Vs. Floating Hydrometer

    Nice review steelhealr, very informative. One thing I'd add as a disadvantage for the refractometer is that they can be hard for people with poor eyesight to read. My mum can just about read mine but she really has a hard time and has to guess a little on the result because the scale/markings...
  25. idlefingers

    Sophos9 - Diy "poor Mans" Reef Cooling

    How strange! So if it's developed with yours since you've had it hooked up, surely it's a fault with the unit and not the electricity? I wonder if the replacment he sent to me is just one with the same issue..
  26. idlefingers

    Bubble Algae

    I've seen the bigger one of my two pulling a polyp off my devil's finger coral but I think only because a piece of hair algae had fallen onto the coral and the crab pulled it off and was feeling for more. So long as it doesn't happen often, the coral will recover. I'd add one first and give it...
  27. idlefingers

    Bubble Algae

    I agree with 1entra - be careful with your selection with emeralds. I've got two small (ish) ones in my tank and I wouldn't want anymore than that.. they're (or at least mine are) very efficient at eating most types of larger (macro?) algae but even though mine are small (emeralds can get up to...
  28. idlefingers

    Marine Snow ?

    It says on the instructions to keep the flow on (but turn particulate filtration off). I dose mine straight into the whole tank.
  29. idlefingers

    Electric Current

    Is a GFI the same as an RCD adapter or a different thing? When I bought my RCD adapter thing, I thought about the risks it could bring with it as you said ski but I came to the conclusion that there's a million and one things which could go wrong and leave the tank in a state like you described...
  30. idlefingers

    Bat Fish

    Bat fish are marine fish... The "high finned" one you saw is most likely Platax teira
  31. idlefingers

    Electric Current

    dunno about long term effect but you should invest in an RCD adapter to stop the risk of getting electrocuted again (it would've cut the power before you had a chance to get yer hand in)
  32. idlefingers

    What's Wrong With People

    I'd rate a dead fish as far less toxic than what I flush down the toilet after a good curry if you know what I mean :rolleyes: :sick:
  33. idlefingers

    Sophos9 - Diy "poor Mans" Reef Cooling

    Nope, haven't got one of those (or know of anybody with one to test it) :(
  34. idlefingers

    Help! Tank Has Been Sitting For 7 Months..

    Personally, I wouldn't.. but to be honest, I have difficulties justifying why. I guess it doesn't really matter either way. :dunno:
  35. idlefingers

    Sophos9 - Diy "poor Mans" Reef Cooling

    Well, new unit does exactly the same thing :( I've tried using a long extension lead to plug it into a bunch of sockets around the house with no effect so I guess it's just not going to be. The bloke at monitors-direct was a bit vague about what could be wrong with our electrics so I'm not sure...
  36. idlefingers

    Help! Tank Has Been Sitting For 7 Months..

    Lookin' good! :good:
  37. idlefingers

    Help! Tank Has Been Sitting For 7 Months..

    No, it won't harm anything. You'd be better off adding ammonia as a liquid rather than the shrimp so that you can control the amount and frequency (otherwise any good bacteria which does form will die). I assume you're running a filter of sorts if you're seeding it?
  38. idlefingers

    Help! Tank Has Been Sitting For 7 Months..

    oh, sorry.. I thought you were using the old (dead) LR as base rock and buying new LR on top?
  39. idlefingers

    Help! Tank Has Been Sitting For 7 Months..

    You don't need to seed it with ammonia (via dead shrimp) if you're using live rock..