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  1. C

    A new fry tank

    Hi Snotirl :D I have that type of filter with the plastic slots in my fry tank and it doesn't bother them at all. I do however have a problem with my gravel wich is small but not small enough. It left cracks that they were able to get into and get stuck. I was able to get most out before it...
  2. C

    To vacume or not

    Thanks I'll try that when i get home. I have the blue filters that are attached. I really love watching my existing Clown loach. He's very active and loves to swim with my other fishes (Balas,Swords) which from what I have read is unusual for clowns. I plan on adding 2more but I will just add...
  3. C

    To vacume or not

    I am keeping my fingers crossed for the clown loach but so far he is doing well. I also was under the impression through researching that they don't get bigger than 7 inches in captivity and up to 12 inches in the wild. In any case I have a 55 Gal tank that is 6 weeks old and is fully cycled. I...
  4. C

    To vacume or not

    It is a small 5 Gal quarantine tank that is about 3 weeks in. It is a traditional fish cycle with 2 small red wags(1 inch each) and 1 small clown loach(half an inch). I don't have all the water params, however i know my ammonia levels are high and I've seen no sign's of nitrite yet. I've been...
  5. C

    To vacume or not

    I have read alot lately about not "cleaning gravel" while cycling a tank. I am not sure if this means don't vacume or something esle. I know the benificial bacteria grows in the gravel that will aid in the nitrogen cycle. But I also know the importance of removing waste and any left over food...
  6. C

    Loosing Fry

    Thanks for your ideas and thoughts on this problem. I think what I will try for now, Since I can't find any holes, is to buy a second net breeder kit and put the net over my existing net. Thus making it twice as thick and also covering any holes if there are some. Thanks Again.
  7. C

    Loosing Fry

    I am new to the world of fishkeeping and have recently had a dilema. I have a 55 gal tropical freshwater tank. My fish are 5 bala sharks (2-3 inches),1 small clown loach,1 black swordtail(2 inch female).About 2 weeks after getting the swordtail I noticed some fry on the bottom of the tank. First...