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  1. F

    How To Upload Pictures

    Ok- let's see if this works....
  2. fish_tank_1_2007_001b.JPG


  3. F

    Theyre Dieing Plz Help

    I have learned not to add new fish directly to my established tanks. I have set up a 5 US gallon tank on my kitchen counter that is a quarantine/hospital tank for any new fish. They stay in there for a week before they are put into my 29 US gal. It seems that most diseases will show up fairly...
  4. F


    Hi! I decided to finally introduce myself since I joined the forum a while back. I have kept fish on and off since I was a teenager, but never took it any further than to get the fish, feed them, look at them and then tear down the tank when they died. I was always told to do water changes, but...