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  1. G

    Power Cut

    Hi Guys, Last night we had a power cut it only lasted 2 hours but it made me think. how long would my tank last with no pump/filter/heater? What would be the first to go? thanks,
  2. G

    Plec's Are Great

    Hi just a quick question. How long to common plecs live and how long till they get to full length? Mine is only 6 inches and i've had him for a year. Thanks,
  3. G

    Is Geoff Blind

    It's a big cube 300 liters. trying to get a better pic but he keeps moving
  4. G

    Is Geoff Blind

    Hi, I have a lovely plec, his name is Geoff! I got him in May when he was only an inch or so big, now he is 6-8 inches (not so good on measurements). He is always out and active but I think he may be blind, either that or hes just stupid. Always hitting the glass or plants, he can never find...
  5. G

    Why Won't They Breed?

    the tank is stocked with plants and fish are fed enough, feed them energy flakes?!?!? cuecumber, ocean sticks and pelets that are meant for the shrimps and plec but they all eat them. All the females have that dark spot but it never goes. How can i make sure the babies suvive, i can't even...
  6. G

    Why Won't They Breed?

    no at least i worked out male and females lol then again could just have lesbian fish!
  7. G

    Why Won't They Breed?

    the tank is at 24C its a 300L tank and takes forever to do a water change so will admit it doesn't get done as often as it should.
  8. G

    Why Won't They Breed?

    Hi, I have 10 platys and 7 guppies does anyone know why they won't breed? they all get on well but not one has had any babies and i've had them for about 3 months. Thanks, Hannah
  9. G

    Any Advice Would Be Good...i'm New

    Thanks for your replies. The Corys seem really cute I will definatly be asking for some at Christmas. :) Do snails really clean the tank or is that just a myth? I have green on my glass that is really hard to scrub off and with my tank being so deep and on a stand I am almost in it myself...
  10. G

    Any Advice Would Be Good...i'm New

    Hi, I know my plec is going to out grow my tank, i'm hoping to get another tank before then. Have to say I have read about keeping goldfish with tropical and its supposed to be not a great idea but everything seems happy (big fishy smiles lol). What are Corys? I originally had a few more...
  11. G

    Any Advice Would Be Good...i'm New

    :D Hi Everyone, I'm quite new to this fishy Grandad had a tropical tank when I was little and I always wanted one! About 9 months ago I gently perswaded my parter a fish tank would look georgeous in our living room (and begged..alot) So we got a nice one from our local fish...