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    Sick Silver Shark - Any Ideas?

    I wonder if anyone can help, I came home from work to find that my silver shark was not looking too well, he has what looks like a white film over certain parts of his body and he appears to have had his fins nipped at, he seems quite still which is very rare for him and just doesn't seem at all...
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    Help Required - Electricity Being Cut

    The heating obviously wont be on as I will have no electric, I will wrap the tank in a duvet. Are there any things I can do with the filter, being an external filter the media will always be submersed in water, will I need to do anything else?
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    Help Required - Electricity Being Cut

    It is a 200l tank, external filter, I have read about putting a duvet round it, does that really work?
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    Help Required - Electricity Being Cut

    I wonder if anyone has any tips for me to keep the temperature in my tank. I have had a letter through the post saying that the local electricity company will be powering down our service for 6 hours this Thursday, I am worried that the temp in the tank will drop too far, are there any tips for...
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    Keeping Temperature Down

    Thank you for your help/ Ideas, My filter return is pointed such that it agitates the surface anyway and I do have two airstones in the tank, so that shouldn't be a problem. I am just a little worried that when I am at work and not tending to the tank that it will overheat and I am not there to...
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    Keeping Temperature Down

    After reading a topic on here about someones heater being broken, a comment on there from someone was that they haven't had their heater on for months as they live in america. My question is, if In England, as we are supposed to have this year, we get the extremely hot summer, how do you go...
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    Need Fish Id (pics)

    It look sto me like Barbodes schwanenfeldii, or Yellow tinfoil barb!!
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    Help Needed If Possible

    I can't net it out as it is too fine and goes through the net I will try with the airstone and see what happens. Thanks
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    Help Needed If Possible

    I wonder if anyone can help me When I turned the light on in my tank this morning, I noticed that it looked really mirky, on closer inspection there was a huge amount of what I can only describe as dust like particles in the water. these were being pushed around the tank by the filter, however...