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  1. W

    Juwel Filter

    I also have a Juwel Rio 180 and have recently added a Tetratec 700EX running alongside the Juwel internal and the water is absolutely crystal clear. I do intend to take the Juwel filter out once the external has had time to mature, free up a chunk of the tank as well. From what I have read on...
  2. W

    What Am I?

    I recently purchased what I thought was a pair of Keyhole cichlids from the LFS. I am having second doubts as I have identified one as a blue acara but cannot identify this little fella. It's only an inch and a half long but does anyone know what it is? undefined Thanks in advance!!
  3. W

    New And Need Help On Choosing Fish!

    I just completed a fishless cycle and have added 6 lemon tetras and three dwarf rainbowfish. All seems well and the fish are shoaling together quite happily.