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  1. E

    Will Seaclear Acrylic Tank Stand The Test Of Time?

    yeah i know this is an old thread, but I thought I'd respond anyways in case someone was searching for this info. I have a 50 gallon Seaclear System II acrylic tank and its holding up fine. Its the kind that has the wet/dry filtration built into the back of the tank. I've only had it for...
  2. E

    Neon Just Got A New Cotton Sweater

    I came home today to find one of my clown loaches dead. He somehow hurt his nose the other day and has had a swollen red nose the past few days. Well, he was up against the water intake in my tank missing some meat. I'm not sure who took some of his flesh. So anyways, I remove the remains...
  3. neon3.jpg


  4. neon2.jpg


  5. neon1.jpg

